Say It, I'm Yours

Say It, I'm Yours


Realistic Urban

"Hello, I'm Tony Strachey, a four-year-old genius with an IQ of 140 and worth $25 billion. Can we stay in touch?" On the day of her rebirth, Sylvia picked up a little boy named Tony, and soon a handsome man, Andrew Strachey, came into her life. Good heavens, she had finally managed to be reborn and only wanted to settle scores from her past life. Those who owed her would pay back tenfold; those who harmed her would face revenge a hundredfold. Yet, dealing with the father and son duo from her past life was a challenge she hadn't expected. But Andrew remarked, "Why do you have to be so tough? Just let yourself be soft, and leave the rest to me..."
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In the dark night, she stumbled towards the raging waves. Behind her, seven men in black, each holding a silver gun, were slowly closing in on her, enclosing her in a semi-circle.

——They weren’t in a rush to kill her, but today, there was only one road for her, the road to death. Because she had run till the very edge of the steep cliff.

Before her was the unfathomable abyss, and behind her were murderous men, ruthless as wolves and tigers. Falling onto the ground, her hair was disheveled, and her face pale white.

"Sylvia," a familiar yet chilling voice echoed from behind.

As she turned her head, she met eyes with her sister.

She looked as composed and elegant as usual, beautiful and dignified, but at the moment, a snake-like murderous intent lurked in her eyes as she watched Sylvia.

"Stop struggling. With the poison I gave you, even if the God or your Father come here, you will die."

Sylvia was completely weak, a stabbing pain started to spread gradually from every organ in her body. She glared at Jane with difficulty, hatred bubbling in her heart.

"Why do you?"

Jane laughed, "Because you are foolish. To believe in a sister born of a different mother. Do you know? Your little brother, your mother, they all died in my hands.”

"You... You will die a bad death!"

"Calm down, I haven’t finished yet.”

Jane slowly squatted in front of Sylvia, reached out her hand and gently touched her beautiful face.

"‘Tsk,’ I really don’t understand what Andrew saw in you. You have a pretty face that’s it, but you are a worthless puppet I can manipulate easily. If he had chosen me back then, he wouldn't have ended up like this today, in a state of neither life nor death."

Sylvia's solitary gray eyes trembled, and her lips began to quiver.

"You... what have you done to Andrew?"

"I'm not capable of hurting him in any way. This is all thanks to you. You blamed your brother's death on him and wanted a divorce. He drove 280 kilometers to win you back, only to have his car flip over halfway through, causing a pileup of eight cars. The doctors have said that he will survive, but he'll never wake up again. He's become a vegetative state."

Jane tapped Sylvia's chest with her finger, her eyes full of pity and sympathy for her, but also flashing with savage brilliance.

"My dear sister, look at what you've done?"

Jane's mockery was like the vicious slap and the crushing of a huge rock, striking Sylvia's face, body, and heart, one after another. Her regret was so immense that she could barely breathe, and she unconsciously started to recall that handsome and profound face.

Tears began to fall like a broken dam, and Sylvia began to weep/laugh simultaneously.

Indeed, what had she done over the years? She trusted traitors, hurt her mother and brother, and eventually let down the man who loved her the most.

As the saying goes, "Evil people grind on their own." She was the one who sought this desperate situation.

But she wasn't willing to give up. Her extreme hatred made her want to pull Jane down with her, but Jane shrugged her off effortlessly.

Below the cliff, the white waves were beating against the rocks. Over a thousand miles, the shark was constantly leaping out of the water with its bloody teeth bared.

Jane stood up, looking down on Sylvia.

"Sylvia, everything that happened today, you brought it upon yourself." She slowly picked up a gun, aiming at Sylvia's forehead, "Go down and reunite with your mother and brother."

With her words, a gunshot rang out—

The call of the wild wind and waves, on a night without rain and bright moon, amplified the desolation of death and carnage...


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