Can you mend my Broken heart

Can you mend my Broken heart

Author:Carson Lynn



Can you mend my Broken heart, is a story about Luna Carson, a twenty years old lady, who never believe in love, because of what happened to her in her past, she promised herself, probably not to fall inlove again, because she taught all guys were the same. Meet Eric Coleman, a wealthy and handsome man, every girl dream man, he is the CEO of Ny Enterprise, he doesn't believe in love all he wants is under the skirt.he taught all women had a price, but everything changed when he meant Lucy, according to him she is the most beautiful woman he has ever set his eyes on" and he promised to have her, in anyway, whether dead or alive. Will Lucy Carson allow, Eric to have sex with her? Will Eric fall inlove with her?? When trying to emphasize his mission? You wouldn't wanna Miss this mind blowing story, so follow me up in this journey.
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Lucy came downstairs, fully dressed her blonde hair were dropped below her shoulder, her enchanted face was pale, her hazel eyes was cold, her eyebrows,was swollen, because anytime she gets to remember what Zack did to her to her, she can't help, but hurts her the more. She was a fool thinking that Zack loves her not knowing that he was a complete monster" a monster, she taught, as tears trickle down her cheeks.

She quickly wipe her tears" when she heard the voice of her mother'

Lucy, please it's okay, please stop crying, I know how you feel, but please stop crying, her mother, Mrs Emily comforted holding her hand, before squeezing it softly" with concerned look written all over her face.

Mom don't know worry about me ' am fine, Lucy reassures, flashing Mrs Emily a slight smile, even when her heart,was itchy her.

" Are you sure?? Mrs Emily asked, and Lucy nodded, munching her pizza with faint smile playing on her lips.

' I'm if I may ask, were are you heading to, dressed up like this Emily asked, staring at Lucy, dressed, which was a pale blue fitted gown, that was below her knees;

Lucy cleared her throat, cleaning, her lips with, the little towel, before breaking the awkward silence.

" Hum" mom, NY Enterprise is searching for a PA, so am going for the interview, you know let me give a try, she struggles, gluping the juice, silently.

Mrs Emily face turned sore, with worried expression, " Lucy why don't you stay at home I can take care of everything, she unter feeling emotional, " because if anything dare happen to her child again, she won't forgive herself, she won't, she thought taking her lips into her mouth, trying to prevent the tears from falling Down. " Mom am a grown up girl now, I can take care of myself" Lucy Mumble.

Reassuring her that she will be ok.

" Okay, but don't hesitate to phone me, if there is any problem, Emily muttered and Lucy smile, showing her perfect, elastic dimple. Before exiting the house. Heading to NY Enterprise, she boarded a cab, and it drop her off at the company.

Her mouth flew open staring at the magnificent building, it was painted with white all through, " this things worth thousand, it looks exactly like a paradise, she thought, glancing and filling her eyes with the sight.

She entered the elevator and it landed her at the receptionist office, which was twice bigger than her room, she smiled, facing the other ladies, maybe, waiting for their time.

Miss what are you doing here, the receptionist asked staring at her in disinterest, maybe because of the clothes she wore, course she was the only one, putting on a pale gown, she taught bowing her face in embarrassment"

" I asked you a question remember?? She continued and Lucy nodded her head in aggressively, before speaking up.

I'm, here for the interview, she replied, rolling her eyes.

The receptionist stared at her, blinking her eyelashes, rapidly, before going back to the file, she was checking out.

Few minutes later, a lady walked out of Mr Eric office, with tears rolling down her cheeks, like real tears coming out of her eyes. Which sent many questions, roaming around her thin mind.

" Will he choose me?? What about if he chased me??

God please help me, she mummured, doing sign of the cross.

She jerked off, when she heard the receptionist telling her to go in, that it was her Time.

She heaved a sigh. Before twisting the door knob, and walked into the office,

" Her heart beat raised rapidly, has she apparently step forward, two miles away from his desk. Which was shipped with documents, she bowed her head sluggishly, when he raised his head.

" He stared at her in astonishment, before, breaking the awkward silence.

Miss sit down, or you get outta my office, I snorted, at the lady who was know has madam baggy, " but Damm" her curve are revealing, even with the trash she was putting on.

He licked his lips, as the taught of her under him, " ridding and bouncing her on this table.

Am.... Sorry....sir Lucy stutter, taking her seat, and he immediately went looted,

Staring at the beauty in front of him, " she was the definition of beauty, he had not meant any lady beautiful as this goddess he grinned" and she quickly bowed her head, because she was restless and uncomfortable, with the way Mr Eric was staring at her.

S... Sir please let start the interview Lucy stutter trying to control herself, but it was unpredictable.

Yes.... But the words flug out of his mouth, when he eyes meant with her lips, which kept calling his name, " kiss me" but fuck he had to control herself.

He took his lips in, before flashing her a quick smile. Which she didn't returned, and Eric kept wordering the type of human she was.

I'm, please lend me your CV, Eric said stretching his hands forth, demanding for the CV, which she willing gave to him.

After few minutes of checking out her CV, he smiled in satisfaction.dropping the CV at his desk, placing his elbow on the table.

WOW, what is your name, Eric question and she stare at him in disbelief' before speaking up, but was cut off by Mr Eric.

He deep his finger into his curly hair"

Am, yes miss Lucy, he replied and she smiled, showing her perfect dimple.

Wow, miss Lucy, you got the job, Mr Eric said, with a struggle, and Lucy hop up happily, she can't tell how happy she is now, she was overwhelmed with joy,

" Thank you so much sir, thanks, Lucy replied happily.

Rules: you can start your work, by tomorrow, 8am.

If you are cought late, I promised, you would pay for it.

And also, your salary will be sent to you, ones it got to the end of the month.

Mr Eric caution, and Lucy nodded happily, before running out, preventing him from untering any other words.

" Wow that girl is so beautiful, I see you are probably proving hard to get, but I promise to make you crawl, pleading for me to have sex with you.

He smirked, and smile, that smile, meant" I will come back to you"

He felt his little Junior, aroused already, cause, it was barging his inner wear, which shows that, he needed someone to fuck" he Dialed one of his bitches, informing, her to come his office, before 10minute.

And few minutes later, the lady walked in with a seductive, mini skirt, and a crop top" which was exposing, her clivage.

Eric quickly strode to her, bringing at her big boobs, sucking it like his life depended on it. He tore her clothes, smashing her big wide ass, before dipping his four fingers into her p*ssy.

And a resounding moaned alighted from her mouth.

Baby I need you in me, she moaned, already wet.

He smirked, and shook, his head sideways, before dipping, his five finger, into her wet, p*sssy, sucking her nipple, before giving it a bite, and she moans holding tightly to the table.

He placed kisses, down to her Virginna, before sucking her wet p*ssy, and also holding tightly to her boobs, folding they.

Moans filled the air.

" Fuck baby" " l love you" she moans,

Holding his head tightly, not wanting him to stop, he unzipped, his belt, and his nine inch, di*ck fell from it,

He smiled devilishly, before ridding into her, in speed" " fuck you" they both moans, clutching tightly to the table.

" Dipper" yeah that's the spot" hum"

Yeah baby" faster she moaned, and he increase the pace, going deep into her.

After some much round, they both fell down, breathing heavily.

" Baby you are so sweet" the bitch exclude, taking my di*ck into her mouth.

Hum" I exclaimed, closing my eyes, enjoying, Every bite of it.

After some much sex, I paid her, before telling the guard to take her out.

Eric sat down at the dinning room, with his parents and purity his junior sister.

He glup the wine, before taking his folk, slicing the chicken, when his dad spoke up, breaking the brief silence.

Son, what the heck is wrong with you, can't you get it I want my grandchild, or are you, going to continue with this attitude of yours, his Dad yell angrly.

Dad.... dad please I hate noise, just let me be, please Eric snapped and ruffles his hair.

Okay I am bringing a wife for you, and nobody will dare question me!! His dad snapped back at him, in gritting teeth.

And I will throw her out of my house!! Eric yell hitting his fist on the table.

His Mom, Mrs Coleman, got up angrly, shutting him up with a slap. His eyes widened, including purity.

He shut his eyes angrly, mom you slapped me?? He asked in perplexed State, cause he can't remember the last time, he received slap, from his mom.

" And I will do it again, if you don't shut your mouth" she replied taking her seat.

Fine, getting out of here, since you guys don't want me here, and don't bother to search for me!! He yell coldly" before exiting the house, has set of guards trial behind him.

They opened the door for him, he entered, and they zoom off, going straight to hotel.

" I just have to cool my head with some bitches.

He Dialed calus contact, and he picked up almost immediately.

" I need five bitch" he snapped coldly and hung up.


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