The Billionaire's Authentic Wife

The Billionaire's Authentic Wife

Author:Faustina summer



She is a young daring woman who refuses to be among the rest of other ladies, she's independent and strong. Faustina Williams was definitely tired of the too many dates fix by her mother for her, she just wants to carry on with her job and not meddle in matters of the heart unless it occurs on its own. Raphael Finn is the dashing patient that Tina had to care for certainly unaware of who he really was, he was the ever domineering and no nonsense man. What would happen to the both of them when a tragic event took place which caused a chemistry to occur between the two persons. Would he want this young nurse that made his cold-heart beat faster than usual or would he let it pass. If you want a heart bumper story then you're at the right place, the domineering billionaire's little wife is the story for you.
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"Faustina, where the hell are you"

Mrs Williams asked gathering the clothes together, this was gonna be the eighteenth time she would fix her daughter faustina with a man on a date but the girl keeps ruining it all, by either acting weird, insulting the man or even worse getting drunk, she sighed because she was tired of trying to make Tina see that she wasn't getting any younger.

Faustina came out of her room all dressed like a doll as per her mom's instruction, she so much hate to meet these set up men,

"am ready to leave mom"

"yes and better not mess it up this time, Sean is a good boy so behave yourself in front of him, do you understand", Tina sighed

"yes Mom"

she then left the house heading for the café.

She got inside the Starbucks coffee house and smiled at the attender behind the door

"oh miss Tina, you are here today, your date is over that table"


she said moving to the said table. She met a man the supposed to be Sean,

"hello, I guess you're Mr Clark"

"yes and you are Tina"

she nodded sitting down, he was staring at her intently before he asked

"what does the lady do"

"am a nurse"

he smiled "that's very nice, you know when we get married, you would be taking care of my sick mother",

he said offering her an apple juice adding

"I suppose this is your favorite"

she forced a smile nodding a little, where on Earth did her mom say she got this nuisance, he concluded that she likes apple juice without even knowing her, such a stupid fellow, she stared at the juice feeling nauseastic, because he was looking she pulled the glass closer and played with the tip smiling,

he then continued

"so as I was saying, you would help my mom recover and most especially you would quit that job of yours and be a full time house wife, my mom needs all the attention she can get"

"and who the hell do you think you are to dictate for me what am to do and what am not to, you selfish idiot",

Tina thought in her head as she stared blankly at Sean

"are we cleared"

"uhm...", ring ring ring

she took her phone and answered it


"Tina where on Earth are you, the hospital would collapse if you don't come over in a minute",

"what's wrong"

"It's the military men, they're just returning from a mission as it seems, they're all severely injured and their chief won't let us be, his troops are all over the hospital with bad injuries, some need emergency attention, be quick before Mr Finn shut down this hospital"

"okay, am on my way but one quick question, who is Mr Finn"


"Okay am on my way"

she said quickly disconnecting the call, she looked at Sean and paused for a minute,

"am sorry but I have to go, my patients need me"

he was calm as he nodded approving her leave, she hurriedly left the café stopping a taxi.

She got to the hospital and found it a little busy, Nancy found her by the hallway and dragged her into one of the wards, handing her a patients file, she said

"you need to start working now Tina, Mr Finn would soon be here to check on all of us, he is not so merciful you know"

Tina chuckled placed a stestoscope around her neck

"calm down nancy, he isn't God, is he?"

Nancy shakes her head in disagreement

"I fear so Tina, what I hear about him is not anything pleasant"

"oh please, he is just probably throwing tantrums, he isn't so serious"

Nancy didn't say anything more and only pulled her out of the dressing Ward and they headed towards a patient Ward.

By the reception room they noticed a bit of a commotion, they temporarily forgot what they were doing and went forward to have a look, there in the door stood the most domineering figure Tina has ever seen, he was a 6ft tall skinny man, he has that Curt and unfriendly face, his chin was well defined and definitely begging for an award, his brown eyes were Sharp yet empty of emotion, he definitely wasn't the kind of man Tina come across on a daily base,

"who is he",

she asked Nancy "Mr Raphael Finn",

she gulped down as she return her gaze to the man at the door, "he is the last person you would want to mess with, Tina",she thought to herself.

Nancy looked at Tina and she wasn't drooling the way every other lady present at the moment was, Tina returned her stare witha questioning one and Nancy only shrugged not saying a word,

Mr Finn moved out of the entrance going inside the hospital only then did everyone get spell broken, they all then remembered their various task and hurried to it

"didn't you fall for him, Tina", Nancy asked as Tina said

"I don't know, maybe I did maybe I did not, I just want to finish today's work since it looks like it would be a long


After she finished with some patients, the manager of the hospital assembled the staffs for a quick meeting,

"you all got to be delligent today because a very important figure is amongst us, no laying around with a task in your custody, interns assist your nurses as much as you can, Mr Finn won't accept a lazy none working staff",

his voice rang across the meeting room and the next thing was the assigning of tasks to various interns and nurses after which he dismissed them all.

"Can't he just be a little nice"

Nancy mumbled as they both left the meeting room

"I guess not", Tina mumbled in return before she heard someone call her name, she turned back and saw the manager walking towards her, she felt it awkward though and prayed that she didn't do something grave this time,

"ehm Tina, am assigning this job personally to you because I trust you and only you to be capable of doing it without mistakes"

Tina sighed inwardly before smiling at the man

"I would try my best sir", she said and the manager said

"Mr Finn is injured and I want you to personally tend to his injury, he won't be easy to handle but I trust that you can do it"

"who gave you the right to decide that for me, huh, Mr baldy, that dangerous looking man that looks as if I offended him in his past life and he had come back to take his revenge on me, you better choose someone else for this",

she thought to herself as she smiled "I would try my best sir"

was all she could say before heading to the ward and looked around, Nancy wasn't allowed to come with her, If not then she won't feel so alone now, she found him sitting on the hospital bed and had his gaze piercing right into her soul, what did she say, didn't she say that she offended this man in his past life

If not then why was he glaring at her so much, she managed to smile even when her body recked of nervousness

"hello Mr Finn, I would be your nurse for now, please do tell me if you need something, for now let me see where is currently hurting you"

he didn't move an inch and his gaze didn't falter as well, she sighed moving towards him, she took the first aid bandage off him, as her fingers touched his bare back, he stiffened and he held her hand pushing her away from himself,

she stumbled and merely lost balance

"and who are you to touch me", his voice rang out coldly but had something behind that question, she remembered the manager saying it won't be easy but now she felt like she was trapped,

"uhm, am Tina, your nurse for the next few hours"

he snorted in such an annoying way that Tina could only but sigh at her misfortune.

By the time the worn out Tina got home, it was already late in the evening she went inside the house to find her mom sitting and waiting for her, by the look on her face Tina could already predict what would happen next,

"good evening ma"

she greeted sitting down as well

"and where are you coming from, young lady"

"the hospital, something urgent came up"

"so today it is the hospital, Tina, what am I to do with you, are you so happy that you stress me out like this, just look around and tell me how many of your mates are still unmarried"

"am just 22 mom, there is still time for me by the way, I haven't found someone I love"

"you haven't found what, how many modern women have you seen marry for that again, by the way, Sean was a sweet and rich young man but as stupid as you are, you let him off, he is still willing to pull through with this if you would talk with him again"

Tina stared blankly at her mom and wondered what planet she was from, doesn't she see that she wasn't happy with these men she keeps bringing for her, by the way, not really proven but something was missing in Sean's way of behaving, maybe he might actually not be that Mr perfect that her mom claims him to be.

"Mom, this date stuff pisses me off a lot okay, I just can't continue this whole thing when am not even part of the whole show, the suppose to be future husband appears elegant and free from ill intention and am allowed to believe that because am also meant to act all coyly like a doll from the cartoon, one who doesn't have a hope, I have my life to live mom and I promise I would find my Mr perfect on the right time"

"so you're basically saying that you don't need my help and I make bullshit out of all things stuff"

"practically yes"

Mrs Williams stared hard at her daughter and asked "any better ideas then"

"I just said that..."

"You can't say that Tina, you are not an high school leaver anymore, you have your bachelor degree and also a job, become part of the real world, okay, ladies of your age are planning about children now"

"well am not those ladies mom"

Tina yelled wanting to end the whole thing and hurried to her room before her mom would start an endless argument. She laid on the bed and thought about Mr Finn, yes he was totally not what she imagined, Nancy was definitely gonna kept bugging her about him and she must have gotten a wind that she would be in charge of his ward now, she don't understand how they fall in love with such kind of men who seem to have both dangerous and dark secrets, most of them are more dangerous than the rest of those outspoken ones, she carried on with her thoughts until sleep took its toll on her.

The next morning:

Tina woke up and checked the time, she still had about two hours before she leaves for work, she went to wash up before heading for breakfast, she met her mom on the dining area and remember how last night's conversation ended,

"morning Mom"

her mom only waved her spoon before she sat down,

" I am sorry about last night, I was too tired and maybe I didn't mean some of what I said but most of it was true, am really not comfortable with all those men who pretend they are all good without flaws, I just want someone who's neutral and carefree"

her mom sighed "yes, I made a mistake too by trying to control the best part of your life, what do you care anyways, you love your patients more than anything else, maybe one of these days you would marry one of them"

" okay mom, now I think I have to start going, bye"

"am fixing another date"



"alright, since you are attending the date, I would just sit back and watch who would be my future dad",

"you ruthless girl"

Tina chuckled heading out of the house.

Once she got to her work place, the McLeod seacoast hospital, she filled in the register and went to her office, her phone rang and it was her work mate, Percy,

"hey babe"

"yes Tina, how are you"

"am good and am at my office right now"

"oh, that's good, am busy right now and would come over later, I called to inform you that your ward is lurking around looking so dangerously gorgeous"

"you mean he left his ward"

"I guess he was bored, can you blame the poor thing"

"poor thing, of course I can blame him and I will blame him, infact I am blaming him now, what If the manager comes and finds him walk around, then what about my job"

"then you better hurry darling"

Tina quickly disconnected the call and rushed down the stairs to the lower wards, she went into the private ward and found Mr Finn talking with another yet dangerous looking man

Jason darax the New York City tycoon, she then began to wonder who this Mr Finn is, once she entered she could feel those piercing eyes on her, she really felt uncomfortable being watched like that

"well if you would excuse me sir, He has to change his bandage"

Tina said to Mr darax and the man nodded then quietly left the ward, she didn't ask him to leave, he shouldn't leave, oh now she was alone with this man again, the room became quiet, so quiet that it hurts the ears, how was she to behave now, should she scold him for leaving or maybe..but if she doesn't tell him that what he did was wrong then he would do it again

she cleared her throat

"well you know you shouldn't walk about the ward without your doctor's permission, you would put my job at stake, am just telling you in case of next time, don't try it again sir"

he only looked at her with what seemed like a surprised expression, since he didn't say anything to her, she continued to change his bandage making sure to feel as distracted as possible and not think of the dire quietness in the room. She finished and gave him an antibiotic drugs to help calm his pain and he only stared at the drug as if it was dangerous,

she said "you need to take it sir, it is going to help reduce the pain"

"I hate these things you gave to me, give something else to me or maybe I would ask for a change of nurse"

she froze at a spot when she heard his voice, wait did Mr Ralph just say something to her

she thought he was planning to play dumb throughout his stay here, she didn't know how to react and what was he talking about, he hates drugs, that surprisingly fascinating to know.


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