Not You, Daddy

Not You, Daddy



On a stormy night, he publicly choked her and claimed her as his own, his devilishly cold smile perfectly blooming. After a nightmarish evening, she became his legitimate wife, greedily falling for him, only to realize she was nothing but the humble plaything in the grasp of his hands. He said, "Anyone can pass over my heart, but not you!". As she pridefully turned away, he relentlessly closed in. As she walked hand-in-hand with another man, donned in her white wedding dress, he kicked open the church doors, bringing along a little boy who bore a striking resemblance to her. The innocent boy blinked, "Ruin her wedding?" He simply glanced at her, a cold laughter escaping from his lips, "Isn't it quicker to eliminate the groom?"
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Night, as lightning cruelly ripped through the sky.

Huge waves crashed against the shore as a black phantom limousine, under the escort of ten bodyguard vehicles, assertively advanced on the coastal road.

Inside the car, the lights danced mysteriously. An exquisitely handsome man, holding a glass of red wine, leaned against his seat.


The sound of lightning streaking across the sky was also the sound of a wine glass falling.

The woman, kneeling by the man’s side, was scared white, “I’m, I’m sorry! President Xiao, the car just jolted, and that's why…”

“The driver’s fault?”

The man’s voice was deep and magnetic, like a heavenly sound, but it exuded an aura of dominance that cannot be overlooked.

The woman nodded vigorously, “Yes, yes, if the driver wasn’t so bad, I wouldn’t have accidentally dropped your wine glass…”

The man laughed, his thin cool lips slightly upturned.

Lowering his eyelids, his eyelashes fluttering, he gently slid his perfectly manicured fingers across the woman’s cheek.

The touch of his fingers was very cold, just like the faint smile on his lips.

“You could've done better.”

“President Xiao, would you give me another chance, I could…do…well…” the woman stammered in horror, yet she still did not want to let go of this hard-won opportunity.

Xiao Jijing, the only heir to the Xiao family, President of Jingcheng Group in City A, a man standing at the apex of the world, at a mere age of 27, controls the economic lifeline of most of Asia. His ruthless tact strikes fear into people's hearts.

On March 28th of each year, he had a unique ritual - he would take an attractive woman to the seaside villa left to him by his parents.

Why? It is said that this day marks the death anniversary of his parents.

What did he do with the woman in the villa? Nobody knows till now. The only thing people know is that after they spend the night together, the lucky lady chosen by Xiao Ji Jing would get an incredible upgrade in her life, only to be replaced by another woman the following year.

Though their days of honor, wealth, and prosperity lasted only for a short year, women still flocked towards this opportunity, employing various means in hopes of winning Xiao Ji Jing's favor on that day.

Apparently, this woman who had grown pale as a sheet was the fortunate one this year.

Xiao Ji Jing’s slender fingers paused, in an instant, he tightened his grip on the woman’s chin.

His deep brown eyes reflected a profound and gloomy light, and his lips held a touch of amusement as he asked, "How should I punish you?"


Her fragile chin ached from his grip, and she was reduced to tears before she could finish her sentence.

"Mr. Xiao, give me one more chance, I won't make the same mistake again."


The smile on his face deepened, it was as breathtakingly beautiful as a devil's laughter, yet it sent chills down her spine.

He then slowly uttered a few words, "You only get one chance."


A streak of lightning once again tore through the sky, illuminating Xiao Ji Jing's distinctly angular face.

The woman was thoroughly frightened, wailing, "Mr. Xiao, I know I was wrong, please spare me..."

The car stopped.

Before the bodyguard could open the door for Xiao Jijing, the woman tumbled out of the car. In addition, her foot had been pierced by a broken wine glass adding to her injuries. When she rolled out of the car, she was already covered in blood, looking extraordinarily tragic.

Such a scene seemed to be nothing new to the bodyguards. Stepping over the woman on the ground, they held up their umbrellas, aligning neatly into two rows.

Xiao Jijing walked out of the luxury car, his posture straight, an innate charisma of a king radiated from him, making everyone willingly bow to him.

The housekeeper hurried out from the villa, his face undoubtedly expressing joy.

"Sir, you have arrived, everything is ready."


"Please, sir." The housekeeper opened the umbrella, following behind Xiao Jijing dutifully.


Just as Xiao Jijing took a step forward, his left hand was suddenly grasped by a small, icy hand.

He stopped, turned around, and his gaze focused for a second.


A weak and tender voice came, consisting of only two trembling words.

Xiao Jijing didn't say a word, made no movements. It was his housekeeper, who stood next to him, who exclaimed in surprise, "Madam, what are you doing here?"

Yes, the woman who had arrived was none other than Su Fanke, Xiao Jijing's wife—for already three years.

She was wearing a long white dress, which was soaked through by the heavy rain. Her long hair was all stuck to her face.

If it wasn't for the butler's deep memory of her from three years ago, her sudden appearance might have mistaken her for a drowned ghost.

Without paying any attention to the butler, she just lifted her pale frozen face, stared straight at Xiao Jijing, her gazes firm.

"Jijing, you promised to come home today. Nuonuo, she..."

"Get your dirty hand off me." Xiao Jijing's voice echoed coldly.


Su Fanke was startled. Her already pale face turned even whiter, she felt like fainting, even Xiao Jijing's face suddenly blurred in her vision.

But she knew that no matter how unwell she felt now, she cannot faint, because she must bring him home today.

Su Fanke's grip tightened, "Jijing, today's Nuonuo’s birthday. She's waiting for you."


Xiao Jijing no longer spoke. As the surrounding temperature rapidly dropped, his gaze also slowly sank.

"Madam." The butler took advantage of Xiao Jijing's silence, quickly grabbed Su Fanke's hand, pulling it away forcefully. "Madam, no matter what, you shouldn't have come here today. Please go back."

With a glance from the butler, the bodyguards forcefully dragged Su Fanke away a few meters.

"Let me go!" She struggled, "This villa was left by Xiao Jijing's parents, it's my home too, you can come here, why can't I?"

Xiao Jijing's parents passed away many years ago.

The mention of this got the butler sweating cold bullets, he said, "Ma'am, you should really leave. If you don't leave now…” he trailed off, insinuating that the master might go on a rampage.

“See the guest off." The butler had to give the order once again.

The bodyguards obediently nodded their heads, preparing to escort Su Fankhe out.


The usually silent Xiao Jijing finally spoke.

"Xiao Jijing, however you treat me is inconsequential, but Nuonuo is your daughter too. Since I promised her today that I would bring you home, I won't let her down."

Xiao Jijing took a few steps forward, stopping in front of Su Fankhe, his cold laughter tinged with a hint of scorn, "From the start to the end, I have never laid a finger on you. Are you sure that child is really mine?"


"What? Are you feeling guilty?”

Su Fankhe slightly curved her lips, as if a blooming rose, slowly spreading open.

He was correct. They had been married for three years and he never so much as laid a finger on her, yet she was not guilty because…


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