Chubby Wife's Path to Wealth

Chubby Wife's Path to Wealth



The granddaughter of the Liu family is plump and ugly, and although she had come to marriageable age, no one dared to marry her. The grandson of the Xiao family is young and promising, with a first-rate physique, and he has even been a soldier. So many matchmakers have worn down the doorstep of the Xiao family! Who could have thought that this handsome and talented young man would actually marry the chubby Liu girl! Everyone was waiting to make fun of Liu Jiajia, but they ended up being force-fed mouthfuls of display of affection! "Don't be afraid, my wife, I am your solid backing."
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"Liu Pangya, enough with your pretense! So what if you've bumped your head? Does it call for lying in bed for three days? Get up now and feed the pigs. There's something interesting going on at the village chief's house; I need to rush over." A shrill voice from a middle-aged woman echoed through the window, followed immediately by the loud creak of a door shutting in the yard.

Liu Jiajia put her hand to her forehead, slowly sitting up amidst waves of vertigo, gradually coming to terms with the chaotic memories swirling in her mind.

She should've been dead, but through a stroke of fate, she was reborn. She was reborn in a backward era where rationing was common and everything operated under a planned economy. Her new identity was Liu Pangya, a little country girl who was not particularly likable, with a hankering for food and a habit of idleness. Unable to finish her studies, she was often frowned upon by the village folk, but appeared wholly oblivious to it.

Her family situation was also arm-twistedly complicated.

Liu Pangya was under the hegemony of her grandmother, Cai Dafen, a tall woman with bold, commanding eyes, even in her old age. As fragments of Liu Jiajia's new memories filtered in, it became clear that her grandmother held the final say in all family matters.

Cai Dafen hailed from a landlord's family and was raised as a rich farmer's daughter. However, her ill-fated father managed to squander all their wealth, reducing them to the destitute with neither home nor land. Introduced to a strong, young butcher named Liu Fugui, the dowry she brought from her previous riches allowed them to build their own two-winged mansion. Three sons later, it looked like their life was back on track.

However, society was tough. Their pig-slaughtering business barely made ends meet. As their sons grew up, got married, and had children, expenditures only grew. Despite their diligence and hard work, their lives became harder with each passing day.

Although their life was rock-bottom, Cai Dafen's natural aptitude, vanity, and competitive nature never faded. She loved gossip and bragging, which had become her favorite pastime.

Her eldest son, Liu Qiuhai, who had managed to receive a few years of education due to their impoverished background, possessed a crafty personality. Utilizing his skills in oratory, he secured a position as a deputy accountant in the public commune, essentially becoming a minor official.

The eldest daughter-in-law was a calculated woman, often causing disputes within the family. Their two sons were the apple of her eye.

The youngest son, Liu Qiuhe, and his wife were honest and diligent but never favored by the parents. Lacking ambition, they toiled in the fields, raising two daughters.

What rendered Liu Jiajia speechless was her biological father, who would also be hers in the future - Liu Qiuhai. Known throughout the village as the infamously lazy freeloader fond of pleasing his palate, his redeeming quality was his unconditional love for his daughter. Any delicacies or comforts were always first set aside for her.

Liu Jiajia took some time to digest these memories, heaving a heavy sigh. Leading this family on the right path would not be easy, especially during this time of scarcity. Even if she used her advanced knowledge and abilities to help the family earn money, the era did not permit any private trading. If she wasn't careful, they might end up in labor re-education.


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