Coddled After Clinging to the Villain's Leg

Coddled After Clinging to the Villain's Leg


Realistic Urban

After dedicating her entire life to healing the sickly male lead, Jin Xin finally realizes that she is living within the pages of a book, where she is merely a disposable female character who burns herself out to illuminate others. After her death, the male lead finally learns to love himself and others, tearfully lavishing affection on a female lead that bears a striking resemblance to Jin Xin, turning them into a widely-admired ideal couple. Upon rebirth, Jin Xin refuses to sacrifice herself again to pave the path for others, instead latching onto the antagonist, her childhood sweetheart, who turned himself into a villain for her sake only to be driven insane by the combined efforts of the male and female leads. In this life, Jin Xin wants to steer clear of the storyline involving the male and female leads. Her life goal is to pursue, cherish, and love Jian Huaiyu. And Jian Huaiyu's life motto? To spoil Jin Xin, spoil Jin Xin, and still spoil Jin Xin until she is pampered to the extreme.
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Clang -

Jin Hao was staring at an ancient well placed in front of her, a bucket had just been dropped, dirty clothes sprawled all around the ground.

Sunlight shining from the head formed a beautiful scene with magnolia flowers scattering from the tree, casting a mottled light and shadow all around the place.

Looking at this familiar scene, Jin Hao's eyes became a bit sore.

She was back, back to the time when she was nineteen.

At that time, she hadn’t met Rong Zihao, hadn't started her career in the jade industry, she was just an ordinary college student.

Upon hearing the noise, Feng Mingfang came out from the house and saw her standing there in a daze. Angrily, she shouted, "You silly girl, you can't even wash clothes, what good are you?!"

Hearing that overly familiar voice from her memory, Jin Hao's eyes teared up instantaneously in spite of her effort to keep them back. She turned towards Feng Mingfang and hugged her tightly.

"Sobbing... Mom..."

Feng Mingfang was taken aback by her, “What, what's wrong with you? Are you sulking just because I asked you to wash some clothes? Is it really necessary?"

It was early spring, the season of rejuvenation. Jin Hao's heart feel a surge of indigenous tranquillity, as she smelled the fragrance of washing powder from Feng Mingfang.

Jin Hao's parents divorced when she was very young, she was raised by her mother. The thought of her mother crying because of her death in her previous life, and deteriorating health following that, made Jin Hao feel unbearable heartache.

"Mother, I'm sorry, I disappointed you. I promise, I will not act foolishly anymore."

Feng Mingfang pulled her out of the hug with dissatisfaction, wiping the part which got wet due to her tears, " What nonsense are you talking about? Look at your worth, are you trying to manipulate me by crying, just to avoid washing clothes?"

"No, not at all, I'll wash the clothes right away."

Listening to her nagging, Jin Xin managed to laugh through her tears, turning around and walking towards the well.

"That's more like it. You know, a girl's tears are like golden beads. You shouldn't drop them carelessly."

Feng Mingfang returned to the kitchen to keep picking vegetables, while frequently peeking at Jin Xin in the courtyard through the window. A warm smile filled her face as she lovingly lectured, "To those who care about you, your tears are like gold. They would feel heartbroken at every single tear you shed.

But if they don't care about you, your tears are cheaper than the water flowing from the faucet, crying your heart out wouldn't make a difference."

"I understand, mother."

As Jin Xin listened, her heart twisted painfully. In her past life, her mother had also said these words to her. At that time, she had been too overwhelmed by Rong Zihao's relentless pursuit. She had hidden away to cry, but her mother had discovered her.

Back then, everyone had believed that she was dating Rong Zihao, but in fact, she had been threatened and forced into it by him and wasn't willing at all.

Later, the repression became so severe that she felt as if she was sick. It seemed that being kind to Rong Zihao made life easier and allowed her some form of freedom.

However, the truth was, bit by bit, her edges had been smoothed out by him, and her personality had been forced into one of pure dedication.

She felt pity for him and his tragic background, as well as his illness. Like a beacon of saintliness, she always thought that she could save him and change him.

In reality, she did make it, but at a heavy price.

What her mother said was true. In front of Rong Zihao, her tears were cheaper than tap water.

She thought of the man who had dared to oppose Rong Zihao for her, who had ended up forsaken by all, his career collapsed, driven insane and died in a mental hospital.

Her heart clenched, and she threw the clothes in her hand back into the basin, quickly washing off the suds on her hands and running out of the door, "Mom, I'm going out for a bit. I'll come back later to wash."

"Ey, where are you going? We're having dinner soon..." Feng Mingfang yelled after her from the window.

The sound of Jin Hong's voice echoed alongside the sound of the courtyard gate closing, "I'll be right back."

"Always in such a haste, I wonder when you will ever grow up..." Feng Mingfang sighed and continued picking vegetables.

Jin Hong's house was nestled in a crisscross alley, dominated by flying eaves, pavilions, red walls, green tiles, and a ground made of large bluestone slabs.

The houses here had been inherited for more than a thousand years and were listed as a non-material cultural heritage to be specifically protected by the state - they could only be refurbished, not rebuilt. Therefore, the area had an overwhelming, retro charm.

At this mealtime, the aroma of cooking wafted from each household and smoke curled from the chimneys.

A group of children were chasing and playing in the alleyways, creating a lively atmosphere. As they saw her pass by, they joyfully shouted, "Sister Hong, Sister Hong..."

The long-lost sounds and scenes filled Jin Hong's senses, moving her deeply.

As there were many children in the alley, she would often carry some candies in her pocket.

Running her hand in her pocket, she indeed found a few candies, which she cheerfully handed out to everyone, saying, "Be good, go and play."

"Thank you, Sister Hong."

Watching them cheer and run off, their radiant smiles of uncomplicated innocence infectious, Jin Hong found herself deeply moved.

Jian Huaiyu's house was not far from hers, just across two alleys - a few minutes' walk.

His family was also a single-parent family. Perhaps due to the shared experience of raising children alone, his mother and hers got along remarkably well.

Although she had hurried here, when she reached the doorstep, Jin Hong suddenly wasn't sure whether to go in or not.

What should she say when she saw him?

It couldn't possibly be like how she had clung to Feng Mingfang, crying her heart out, could it?

That would be so awkward...

At this moment, Jian Huaiyu probably didn't really think much of her, just like any ordinary neighbors around.

After she died in her previous life, her soul didn't dissipate. It stayed in this world for a long time.

She wouldn't have known how much Jian Huaiyu actually cared about her if it wasn't for that.

She had come here in a rush of excitement. But would her explicit expressions disrupt the current peace?

After all, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. She can look for him again when she finds a good excuse.

Having made up her mind, Jin Xin let out a quiet sigh of relief, ready to leave.

But as soon as she turned around, she saw Jian Huaiyu behind her with shopping bags in his hand.

The young man was tall and handsome, his fine face bearing gentle lines, clean and good-looking, the image of a warming big brother next door.

Jin Xin was startled. "Jian Huaiyu! You, why are you here?"

Wasn't he supposed to be at home?

"My mom asked me to buy soy sauce, just came back from your supermarket." Jian Huaiyu showed her the shopping bag in his hand while his eyes were locked on her face. "Have you been crying?"

"Eh? No..."

Jin Xin nervously dropped her gaze, acknowledging that the shopping bag indeed belonged to their supermarket.

Feng Mingfang has rented a storefront on Xingnan Street and opened a small supermarket. She and her daughter now rely on the income of the supermarket to support their lives.

They eat three meals a day at home while the supermarket is watched by store employees.

"Then you deliver it to auntie. I'll go back first."

"Wait." Jian Huaiyu stopped her and asked persistently, "Why are you crying?"

" big deal."

Jin Xin didn't expect him to be so observant. She only cried for less than three minutes. Was it that obvious?

Seeing her reluctance to talk, Jian Huaiyu changed his question, "Are you here to see me for something?"

It seemed that Jian's mother heard his voice and shouted from within the house: "Did Huaiyu come back? Bring the soy sauce over quickly, it's needed here."

"Alright." Jian Huaiyu shouted back, then looked at her, "If you have something to say, come in."


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