I'm Yours

I'm Yours




A resident doctor and a billionaire. As they crossed each others paths will they recognize each other? Will she still remember him? Will he still hold unto their love until the end? A pinch of agony salted with the bitter reality. "I want to have you for a lifetime. I love you 'till eternity." - Jairo Achilles Teodore World full of mysteries banks a river of pains and covered by a vast ocean of happiness. "I gained happiness the time I found my purpose and its you, I love you." - Dan Priscilla Emilio Will they fight for each other or just give up?
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  Dreaming of seizing this entire catastrophic day. So full of balsamic incidents just like a fire brightly blazing ready to devour me at any moment rather burn me. One thing’s for certain, I will be crashing another mêlée. Great. Just great.

  “Doc, there’s another patient in bed 8, ER.”

  Nurse Eos cut off my conversation with the angry guardian who was complaining for water services in their room. Oh, Thank goodness!

  “What’s the case?” I immediately replied ignoring the whims of the man. Why is he asking me about that issue anyway? I am not a janitor nor a maintenance staff here. Well, maybe he doesn’t recognize my coat. lol

  “Shortness of breathing, and the BP is still not going down.”

  “Got it. Please assist this man, Nurse Eos.” She winked as a sign of approval. Geez.

  Immediately, I proceeded to the bed Nurse Eos had mentioned, leaving the angry man still spurting fuming curses at me. I was silently praying to god to extend my patience. Geez. I am already exhausted since morning and this man just added another pressure.

  I saw three persons at the ER, two of them were nurses, and the other one is an intern as what I see in the uniform she was wearing. There were a total of 10 patients inside the ER as of the moment and everybody is so busy. I rushed immediately to the said patient and applied first aid.

  The symptoms showing are actually similar to one common disease.

  “Pulmonary Hypertension.” I faced the worried guardian. She seems at 20s to me with stylish outfit and chic make-up.

  I guided her to my office to ask some questions and also gave prescriptions for the patient. I then asked her with questions regarding the patient’s disease as we entered.

  “Does he have medical records having a lung failure or heart failure perhaps?”

  She shook her head lightly, and responded.

  “He doesn’t have one, actually this is his first time, but there is a history of hypertension in his father’s family.”

  “Oh I see.” That makes sense.

  And another follow-up questions. The do’s and don’ts’ was explained for the latter, and also the medication that will be done. Our conversation ended with her saying, “Thanks Doc.”

  “Don’t forget his daily check-ups to monitor the improvements.” I added.

  The assuring look on her dimpled-face implies that she totally agreed with me. That’s a good sign for this exhausting day.

  As soon as the door closed, a heavy sigh instantly left my mouth. Another day, another duty was accomplished. Although I’ve run into a not so normal custodian but I was able to escape it, special thanks to Nurse Eos.

  Being a doctor isn’t easy, it takes more effort in extending patience when it comes to facing the guardians of the patients or the patient’ itself. Aside from knowledge in prescribing, a doctor should also be approachable and should have clean performance in treating habitués to add a good and vibrant aura for this gloomy hospital.

  I don’t have roving this afternoon so I decided to go home and take bountiful of naps since I remained up the whole night feeling weary, overtime due to heavy consecutive surgeries.

  I drove from the hospital back to my home for almost one and a half hour due to this unending road traffic. By the time I entered my inaudible house, a cleaned atmosphere ease me, of course this house can’t be messy since I always stayed at the hospital for the everyday work and most of the time, overtime. I lived all by myself ever since my mom passed away while I was at the age of 24 and it was just as freshly as 2 years ago. My dad left us when I was still a month old baby and it was just so sad to think that I didn’t even have a father-daughter conversation with him. Well, that’s what my mother told me when I was 23. I have post-traumatic amnesia because of car accident, 3 years ago. I lost half of my entire memories and the doctor told me that it is impossible to regain it because there is only a very slim chance, as thin as 1%.

  “Breaking news, our young, rich, and very mysterious bachelor Mr. Jairo Teodore’s butler was spotted again entering Gravinchi Medical Hospital. That was 2 times in a row, folks! Bombs of controversies flaunted wondering why the concluding visited a hospital. Is someone sick? That question is still cannot be answered. Not even one saw the billionaire’s face and others was stagnant on investigating this hot bachelor. Well, gentlemen, that’s all updates for today. This is Blanche Grieves, good afternoon.”

  It stirred my nous after mentioning the hospital’s brand name. That’s where I work!

  “Another issue again. Why can’t they just mind their own business?!” I muttered. Breathing out an exasperated sigh. People nowadays...

  The ringing of my cellular phone envelops the whole house as it continues buzzing again and again, waiting for my response. I look up to know who it was and I am utterly surprised to find out that it was the overall director of the Gravinchi Medical Hospital.

  Why is he calling me?

  I was hesitating for a moment whether I’ll answer the call or not but ended up picking it up. Well, who am I to decline my employer?

  “Hello, good afternoon Dra. Emilio, did I interrupt something?” a deep voice asked from the other line.

  “No, sir. Not at all.”

  “Good. Can I meet you? I have something to discuss to you personally. You don’t have anything to do right?” It sounded demanding for me. Or I’m just imagining.

  “No sir.”

  “Okay it’s settled. Thank you and see you, Dra. Emilio.”

  “No problem, sir.” I exhaled a deep breath after the line went off. That was quick! I didn’t even have time to say what I wanted to say, my heart just keep on pounding because of nervousness.

  Declining was what I wanted to do so badly because of my current condition. I feel like I can’t walk already because of yesterday’s activity, it was like my body got drained too much and lost its last bit of energy to the point that moving my tiny limbs hurts. But I needed to go.

  One decline, bye-bye work.

  Forcing my body to work, I can feel the faults of my movement. Headache and body ache are my enemy as of the moment. I drank the medicine as a remedy to help my body ease a bit. After those, driving from home back to the hospital was what I did next.

  Guess this was something right?


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