The Bad Boy Wants Me

The Bad Boy Wants Me

Author:Wil B



What do you do?, When you find out a list you've been keeping secret is out. What do you do?, When you best friend start hating on you because you had a crush on her boyfriend. What do you do?, When people stares at you everywhere you go all because of a goddamn list. What do you do?, When all the guys you crush on suddenly start having interest in you. What do you do?, When the most popular guy in school, ask you out. My name is Arianna lucky, I'm a freaking nerd who writes the list of guys she crush's on, in a list and now my crush list is out. ****** A little scene from the book. "Bella, Bella, hey will you answer me, bella." I yelled rushing after her, "what's wrong bella, did you wake up at the wrong side of the bed, why are you ignoring me. Bella." I took hold of her hand, and turned her around, only for her slap me. "What the... Why did you slap me." I yelled, my hand on my face, staring at her shocked. "How could you, Arianna. Out of all the guys you could crush on, you had to crush on my own boyfriend. Tell me, I've you been secretly wishing he was yours! I bet at the first chance you guess, you will take him away from me. Arghhh, I can't believe I called you my friend." She yelled in my face, looking so furious. "What? How... how... did you know about that." I stuttered shocked. "Wow, so it's true. You really do have a crush on my boyfriend, my boyfriend. You know I was hoping it's a lie but you just had to dash my hope, you are unbelievable, Arianna." "Bella, I'm sorry. I can swear, I would never ever think of taking your boyfriend from you, it was just a harmless crush and that's all." "Argh, you are so unbelievable, Arianna. Here, have your stupid list, have it. And I'm done being your friend." She glared at me then walked away. I read the paper Bella gave to me, and it's no other than my crush list, actually it's a photo copy, how did this happen.
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                 Arianna's POV

  "What the hell." I yelled out, covering my face as the stupid sunlight hits my face. I groaned opening my eyes slowly, and I wasn't shock seeing it's my annoying senior sister who's the cause of the sunlight penetrating my room.

  "If you don't get your silly ass out of that bed then get ready for school, then you might as well prepare to walk to school. I leave in 30 minutes." She says walking out of the room.

  "Idiot." I muttered.

  "I heard that." She yelled.

  "And I don't care." I yelled back at her. Ugh, how am I supposed to get ready in 30 minutes, I guess I would have to perform magic, cause there's no way I'm walking to school on a Monday morning.

  I pulled off my clothes in a hurry, took my bath as quickly as I can, wore my clothes. I don't wear makeup, so all I has to do is brush my hair, after that I rushed downstairs to have my breakfast.

  "Arianna, slow down." My mum chides, walking into the kitchen.

  "I would love to do that, momma. But Becky threatened to leave me behind if I'm not fast." I replied her chugging down the bowl of cereals in an unladylike manner. Who cares?

  "Bye momma, bye poppa and bye Daniel." I placed a quick kiss on my little brothers forehead, muffled he's hair and rushed outside, "Stop ruffling my hair, I'm no longer a little kid." I heard Daniel yell, he's lying. He is 5 years old.

  "You're 20 seconds late." My sis state the minute I got in the car, I replied her with an eye roll.

  "Ugh, I can't wait to be 18, so I can finally have my own car."

  "I also can't wait for you to be 18, so I won't have to drive your lazy ass to school everyday." She retorts. I hate her, okay scratched that I love her, my big sis is the best.

  "So... any new crush." Becky question, pulling out of the driveway.

  "Yeah, there's this new guy in my class, he is so dreamy. He got nice blue eyes." I said excitedly picturing Jake in my head, and Jake is definitely on me crush list.  You guys want to hear a secret, I'll tell you but don't tell anyone. I have a little book, in that book I write all the guys name I have a crush on, it's like a list. A list of guys I crush on, and no one, not even my best friend knows about the list. It's my little secret.

  "That nice, have you talked to him."

  "No!, You know I can't talk to a guy. I would only end up saying words that has no meaning." Yep, that's me. I'm a freaking introvert and a big nerd, I can't talk to a guy, even the ugly ones.

  "Arianna, you need to stop being an introvert and talk to a guy. Look at you, you're beautiful, you're smart but you have never even come close to saying hi, just a common hi to a guy." She shakes her head and turns to look at me briefly before focusing back on the road.

  "Can we just stop talking about my inability to say a normal, perfect word to a guy and just drive to school, in silence." I said firmly looking out the window.

  "Fine I won't say anymore trash, but just in case you end up a sad lonely woman with no husband, remember I warned you." With her final words said, she turned on the radio. Ugh, who knows if it's my future husband who casted a spell on me, so I won't date any guy and only he can remove the spell. Okay, that doesn't really make sense.


  "Hey Arianna. Ugh, what could be more tiring than a Monday morning. I hate Mondays." Bella my one and only best friend says, carrying her heavy bag full of books. Bella has this weird habit of taking all her books home on Friday, thereby making her bag really heavy on Monday.

  "You tell me that every Monday morning." I said tiredly, closing my locker.

  "That's just to let you know how my hatred for Monday mornings, keeps on increasing." Oh geez.

  "Can we just go to class already, we have history class."

  "Wow, what a boring way to start an annoying Monday morning." She grumbles opening her locker then arranged all her books inside.

  "You know we have history, every Monday morning. So why do you keep on complaining every Monday morning, you should be used to it by now."

  "A lot of people die everyday, so why is it when a person dies, people cry, huh? Shouldn't they be used to it by now."

  "Death is painful Bella."

  "Exactly my point, history is painful." Oh geez, it's pointless talking to her.

  "Is there any new gist I should know of." I ask, changing the topic. If you want to know everything happening in Chester high, Bella is the right person to talk to.

  "Nothing much, accept for the fact that Xander is back." She says casually. No noise, no noise, not a sound. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  "Are you done screaming in your head." Bella asks boredly.

  Now you must be wondering who Xander is, Xander Andrews is the most popular/Bad guy in school, the most handsome, he is so freaking handsome, he has tattoos and piercings on his body, but nevertheless it still makes him cute and he's also the number one in my crush list. Number 2 & 3 in my crush list is Xander's friends, Henry & Jasper. Now my crush list is made up of ten guys, ten handsome guys, and the list keeps on growing any time a new hot guy comes in town. It could be my neighbor, from my dad's office, my sister's boyfriend's and even my classmate, or a senior from highschool. I don't care where I meet the guy, all I care is he should be handsome and I should have a crush on him.

  "Hey babe." A voice calls from behind us, I didn't need to turn back to know it's Aaron, Aaron Smith, Bella's boyfriend. Hey, can you keep a secret, Bella's boyfriend is number 4 in my crush list. Now before you give me weird looks, I would want you to know that I started having a crush on him way before he started dating Bella.

  "Hi love." Bella replies, and placed a quick kiss on he's lips. It hurts, a little.

  "Bella I wouldn't want to interrupt your lovey dovey with your boyfriend, so.. see you in class." I Informed her, though I'm pretty sure she didn't hear me since she's too busy making out with her boyfriend. I sighed and walked straight to history class.

  "Sit, sit, sit, empty sit." I muttered looking around the class for two empty seat, one for me and one for Bella. I found my seat and it was right next to the new guy, James walker, he is fifth on my crush list. I walked over to the seat really nervously, I wish Bella is right here with me. I paid him no attention and sit down, leaving the sit in the middle free, Bella will have the honor of sitting there.

  "Hi, I'm James walker." Is he taking to me, there's no way he's taking to me right. Like why would he be talking to me, there's absolutely no reason for him to talk to me.

  "I said hi." Okay, he's definitely talking to me, oh my God he is talking to me, what am I supposed to do and right then Bella chose the perfect time to walk into the class. "Hey, Bella, over here." I yelled, raising my head up.

  "Why did you leave like that." Bella asks, sitting down.

  "Because I do not want to witness, the amazing sweet love between you and your boyfriend." Okay that sounds too much, I don't really mean to sound jealous of my friend but i can't help it.


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