Please Stay Serious

Please Stay Serious



"Woman, from today onwards, I am your master." He, Leng Xiao Chen, a powerful and rich heir, chose to direct all his anger at her after being betrayed by his sister, Jian An. The wedding was canceled. She was forced to become his concubine, without rest, night and day for three days! She struggled, she resisted, but she found herself deeper in this transaction. However, when the time came, she realized that she was just a tool, a substitute for another woman! Why is it... that no matter how far she runs, this man follows her to the ends of the earth? Once toppled again, Jian Ning defiantly retorted, "Leng Xiao Chen, what exactly do you want!" A charming smile curled on the man's lips, "Marry me, with our child."
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Imperial Hotel.

Jian Ning was standing in front of a massive floor-to-ceiling window on the 28th floor, looking at her reflected image.

Her snow-white bridal gown opened layer upon layer, accentuating her exquisite clavicles with a strapless design. Her slender waist gripped by the palm of a hand, she appeared like a blooming snow lotus.

A suppressed joyful smile graced her face. Today, she was finally marrying the man she deeply loved.

"Ning, it's almost time. Let me touch up your makeup a bit, and then we can prepare to make our entrance!"

Tang Wanwan, Jian Ning's best friend, stepped into the room. Her expression was slightly off, but Jian Ning who was immersed in her happiness, did not notice.

As she came closer to the wedding hall step by step, Jian Ning felt uncharacteristically restless, as if something terrible was about to happen.

"Wanwan, I am so nervous. I am finally marrying Zi Xuan!"

Tang Wanwan grabbed Jian Ning's hand, comforting her continuously in an attempt to quell her anxiety.

As minutes and seconds ticked away, the bridesmaids who should've arrived long ago were nowhere to be seen. Apart from Tang Wanwan, no one had come.

"Wanwan, where are Xiaoqing and the others? Why haven't they come yet?" Jian Ning sensed that something was amiss. Her premonition of something bad happening grew stronger.

Tang Wanwan hesitated, not knowing how to break the news. After all, Jian Ning had been looking forward to this wedding for a very long time. Her greatest wish was to marry Qi Zixuan, but with the current situation...

"Speak up! What has happened? Did something happen to them?"

Jian Ning became anxious. She remembered that Xiaoqing and the others were with her this morning, but then they hurriedly left after answering a phone call.

Something must have happened!

"Now, let's welcome today's leading lady, our joyful bride!"

Jian Ning didn't get the chance to question Tang Wanwan before she heard the host's voice. She hurriedly adjusted her mood and, accompanied by Tang Wanwan, stepped onto the red carpet scattered with rose petals.

The heavy carved wooden door slowly opened, revealing a romantically decorated hall. The air mixed with the scent of cake and champagne.

However, at this moment, Jian Ning's heart was gradually sinking.

The hall, which should have been filled to the brim, was now half-empty, and the remaining guests were occasionally standing up and escaping from here as if fleeing from danger, as if Jian Ning's wedding was a plague.

At the end of the red carpet, dressed in a white suit, Qi Zixuan stood quietly, his face looking somewhat off-color but still softly gazing at Jian Ning.

It took her a long time to finally stand next to Qi Zixuan after a short walk of a dozen or so meters.

Feeling the warmth of the man's hand, Jian Ning's heart felt a bit more settled.

The wedding process began, speeches were delivered, and guests started to leave more frequently.

"Groom, are you willing to take Miss Jian as your wife? Whether she is rich or poor in the future, whether she is healthy or unwell, are you willing to be together with her forever?"

Qi Zixuan opened his mouth, as Jian Ning eagerly watched him, but she did not hear those three words.

"Groom, do you wish?" The host repeated, as a reminder.

However, Qi Zixuan remained silent, not even daring to meet Jian Ning's gaze.

"Zixuan, what's wrong with you? Don't you want to marry me?" Jian Ning couldn't hold back anymore and asked.

"That's not it, Ning. I love you. I really, really do!" Qi Zixuan confessed, his face full of hardship.

"Why is that exactly?"


"Because I won't allow it!"

Suddenly, the grand hall door burst open, causing an overpowering cold voice to echo.

Jian Ning turned to look, only seeing the silhouette of a towering figure against the light, exuding an absolutely sharp and somber air.

The man took steady steps, crushing flower petals beneath him, his cold and austere face was like a sculpture, his thin lips pressed into a straight line.

"Who are you? On what grounds do you not permit?" Jian Ning was very confused. Who is this man?

"Who I am is none of your concern."

His superior posture and his arrogance made Jian Ning feel extremely uncomfortable.

The frosty Leng Xiao Chen glanced at Jian Ning. There was a dense loathing in his pupils.

This hatred made Jian Ning shiver uncontrollably. But in her memory, she had never met him.

"Sir, if you're here to give your blessings, that's alright. But if you're here to cause trouble, I'm sorry, but you're not welcome here!"

Ever since this man appeared, Qi ZiXuan had let go of her hand and even took some distance from her!

With a long stride, Leng Xiao Chen stepped directly onto the stage, grabbed the microphone from the emcee, and his words, cold to the extreme, reached the ears of every person still in the room.

"From now on, if anyone dares to approach this woman, they will be opposing me, Leng Xiao Chen; and if anyone dares to extend a helping hand to Jian Industries, they too will be opposing me, Leng Xiao Chen. The consequences... I suppose you should all be clear on that."

After Leng Xiao Chen had spoken, the number of remaining guests, not many to begin with, all left all at once. The vast banquet hall was instantly deserted, entirely devoid of wedding festivity.

Jian Ning was furious, "What exactly do you mean by this!"

Leng Xiao Chen ignored her, and instead took the diamond ring, which was originally supposed to be placed on Jian Ning's ring finger, from Qi Zi Xuan's hand. He repeatedly flipped the ring in his hands, an icy satirical smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"Give me back my ring!"

Jian Ning tried to snatch the ring back from Leng Xiao Chen's hand. However, with a wave of his hand, the man flung the ring away!

Jian Ning screamed out in surprise and hastily rushed towards it.

However, the ring flew out of the window and fell straight into the outdoor fountain. By the time Jian Ning reached the edge of the fountain, there was no sign of the ring at all.

Her ring!

Jian Ning wanted to jump into the fountain, but she was firmly held back by Qi Zi Xuan, who had rushed after her.

Meanwhile, Leng Xiao Chen slowly made his way over, the icy sarcasm still evident on his face.

"I've said it before, I won't allow you two to get married."

Jian Ning, furious, glared at Leng Xiao Chen, pushed away Qi Zi Xuan, rushed towards Leng Xiao Chen, raised her hand, and slapped him hard across his face.


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