The Devil's Wife

The Devil's Wife

Author:Author Feathers



After so much deliberation, Edith agreed to marry Mr Harry, after all, he's very handsome and wealthy. She had only met Mr Harry three times and in those times, he had proven to be a very gentle man to Edith. Edith believed that Mr Harry would make a perfect husband. Unknown to her that Mr Harry was on a revenge scheme, to accomplish his mission, he needs Edith to legally marry him. He had no feelings whatsoever for Edith, he's the devil with no heart, he only knows evil.
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Edith's POV

My nightmare started from the day I met him, Mr. Harry. He proposed to me on our third time of meeting.

Mr. Harry walked to me with a plastic blue tray that contained two cups of water and two shawarma. He placed it before me gently and sat.

I was sitting opposite him and was glad at how cool Mr. Harry was. He had always been gentle and loving.

"Is it what you like?" He asked gently with a beautiful smile.

"Sure, thanks." I answered gratefully and began to eat.

After eating for few minutes, he asked, "Miss Edith, have you considered my proposal?"

"I feel uncomfortable with you referring to me as Miss Edith, I'd told you severally, please call me Edith." I corrected with a smile.

He only nodded, his face held no precise expression. He was neither looking happy nor sad, only that one could tell that he was so glamorous.

"Well, I thought about it." I retorted his question.

He watched me keenly but refused to say a word.

"Erm...It's nice but, you only asked for my hand in marriage, you have never confessed to me that you loved me." I said.

"Is it necessary?" He asked to my surprise.

"Oh! If I may ask, Mr. Harry, why did you suddenly took interest in me and decide to request for my hand in marriage?" I questioned. I was sincerely curious.

"I felt positive around you, you did not have to worry at all, once we get married, I'll act like your dream husband." He said in the most pleasant manner.

"What did you know about my dream husband? Since you did not love me, I do not think I'll like to accept your marriage proposal." I said.

"I love you, Edith." His words were soft and soothing.

I looked into his blue eyes and blushed, I do not understand why I felt so much comfort around a man that I had only met thrice.

"I love you, too." I said softly.

"Good, I'd take that as a 'yes' for my marriage proposal, I'd arranged everything already, the court wedding would be this Friday and the white wedding would be Saturday?" He said.

"Excuse me, sir? Isn't that too fast? As a matter of fact, you are yet to know any of my family members." I let out.

"I'll get to know them after marriage, like I said, do not worry, only trust me." Again, his words were soothing and...I think I love to hear him speak.

"I was just being nervous." I smiled shyly.

He was so eager to marry me. Maybe he was so into me but he never let me know. Anyway, he is handsome and wealthy. I believe he would be a perfect husband.

Few days later, Mr. Harry and I did our court wedding. There were very strange faces at the event, though they were few but I felt odd. Our wedding ceremony took place the following day. It wasn't as massive as I had always dreamt of it to be.

Nevertheless, as long as Mr. Harry loves me, I would definitely enjoy the marriage.

After the wedding, he took me home. I sat in the car, holding the bouquet nervously. Tonight, I will be his real wife, from body to soul. Which nightgown should I wear? Cute one or sexy one? Would he be gentle to me in bed?

I peeked at him, sensing his smile faded. Instead, he looks cold and distant.

Oh, he must be exhausted. After all, it is tiring to prepare a grand wedding in such a short time.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at his mansion. It was like a castle. Under the moonlight, it was filled with mystery.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes after getting out of the car. Suddenly, I woke up from my trance after I heard the squeals of the metal bars. The gate started to open automatically in front of me.

I swallowed hard when I started to feel uneasy toward the place. I turned around, only seeing a weird smile show on my newly-wedded husband's face.

"Mr. Harry?" I tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.

"My whole life has been waiting for tonight. Follow me." With that, he took off his tie to blindfold my eyes. Then he held my hand, leading me to the second floor.

My heart was beating so fast. I couldn't stop licking my lips. Oh, I have an endearing habit of licking my lips when I was nervous.

I don't know what was waiting for me. A bed covered with rose petals? Or a romantic candlelight dinner? God, I haven't eaten anything.

Minutes later, I sensed he stopped. And he whispered to my ear, "Here is your room."

My room? I thought we should live in the same room, shouldn't we?

I impatiently took off the tie on my eyes. But in the next second, I was shocked by the scene in front of me.

The light was dark in the room. No bed, but there was a big cage in the corner. Moreover, there were some handcuffs and anklets hanging on the wall. Whips and belts were on the other side.

What the hell was that?!

I was wide-eyed and stared at Mr.. Harry in disbelief.

"Edith, I've been hunting you for many years and now, you are mine." His voice sounded cruel, as if he was not my husband, but my enemy.

"I-I thought you married me because you love me." I stammered.

"That's what you imagine, you idiot! I never loved you and will never do!"

"So, this is all a trap?" I asked bitterly.

"It is." He answered bluntly.

God, I had to leave here. RIGHT NOW!

Without hesitation, I turned around and ran toward the gate. To run fast, I took off my heels, lifted the hem of my bridal dress, and ran on my bare feet.

I held the knob of the door that leads outside, with a shivering hand, I twisted it but it wasn't opening.

I tried it severally but it was the same. Did he lock me inside already? What wrong have I done for him? We just knew each other.

I tried severally but the door wouldn't open, my heart constrict against my chest and I turned fearfully back at him.

I looked at him weakly and bite my lips in pain, I looked around the house and wondered if I had been entrapped.

"To be scared is part of human nature." Mr. Harry said as he walked towards me.

"Who are you? Why did you want me? Why did you need me to marry you?" I rushed the questions.

He smirked faintly and said softly, "Edith Anthony."

I can't remember telling him my full name, even when I was writing my full names at the court, he was looking elsewhere.

"Your father, Anthony, made a beast out of me..." He gritted his teeth and shot me the scariest look I never ever seen in a man's face.

My heart beat faster in fear, who is this man?

"Edith, daughter of Mr. Anthony Judge, welcome to hell." He said and formed a wicked smirk on his lips.


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