Perfect Match: CEO's Sweet Wife

Perfect Match: CEO's Sweet Wife



On the night of their engagement, Luo Yanqin, however, fell into her fiancé's trap and was entangled with another man. What was even more unexpected, the man turned out to be her fiancé's uncle—Yu Mochen. At the very beginning, Yu Mochen treated her like poison, keeping his distance. In order to escape from the Yu family, she had no choice but to continuously bother him. As time went on, she found herself unable to get rid of this nuisance. One day, an assistant came to report, "Sir, Miss Luo has run away, and she even took the child with her." Yu Mochen was outraged, "Run away? I have agreed for her to have the child, and I have spoiled her in every possible way, does she aspire to ascend to the heavens now?" The assistant replied timidly, "But sir... Miss Luo said, she has no name nor status with you, she wants to find a step-father for the child." "Dare she! Immediately prepare a car! Twenty-four of them, form a wedding procession and bring her back to me! The child she gives birth to, can only call me dad!" "
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Capital City.

The West Hotel's exterior was filled with a variety of luxury cars, a highly anticipated engagement banquet was taking place.

At the engagement banquet, lights were shining brightly, the fragrance of the women's perfume and their shadow under the dim light added an air of mystery. Glasses and dishes were clinking, creating a lively atmosphere!

Luo Yanqin, side by side with Yu Weifeng, was toasting each guest who had come to attend their engagement banquet.

However, being a light drinker, after a few glasses of alcohol, she began to feel dizzy.

She slightly furrowed her brows, which were quickly replaced back by her normal expression. However, this change didn't escape Yu Weifeng's notice.

"Feeling unwell?"

Lifted her eyes, Luo Yanqin saw a concerned expression on Yu Weifeng’s face.

"I'm fine." She shook her head.

However, that shake of her head made her head spin even more. Her body began to sway.

Witnessing her instability, Yu Weifeng immediately held her still, "You can hardly stand, yet you say you're fine."

Among the tone of reproach, there's a trace of compassion.

If this scene were seen by outsiders, certainly they would think their relationship was intimate.

However, in reality, not so much.

Despite their engagement, they had only met a few times prior and barely knew each other.

"If you're feeling unwell, let me take you upstairs to rest," Yu Weifeng suggested.


Luo Yanqin did not refuse.

Yu Weifeng supported her as they walked out. At the entrance of the hall was a large wedding picture. As they walked past, Luo Yanqin stopped, gazing at the man and woman intimately huddled together in the photo.

The man was Yu Weifeng, his handsome face radiating a warm smile reminiscent of a spring breeze.

And her, with light eyebrows and eyes, her emotions indiscernible.

She didn't willingly agree to the engagement with Yu Weifeng, so she couldn't muster any joy.

"Luo Yanqin, if you don't want to watch your mother die, obey me!"

Her father’s merciless words echoed in her ears. Luo Yanqin withdrew her gaze, her eyelashes slightly drooping, hiding the bitterness in her eyes.

After learning that her mother was seriously ill, she hurried back to the country.

Seeing her mother on the hospital bed, wearing an oxygen mask, she could not stop her tears, the anguish in her heart overwhelming.

When she just returned, she didn't have the money for her mother's treatment, so she asked her father for help. But what she didn't expect was that the man she called 'father' would use this to blackmail her.

"As long as you agree to engage with Yu Weifeng, the young master of the Yu family, I'll take care of all your mother’s medical expenses."

Thinking of her father's heartless demeanor that day, Luo Yanqin took a deep breath, suppressing the dull pain in her heart.

"What's wrong?" Yu Weifeng asked with concern, his voice pulling Luo Yanqin back from her thoughts.

"I'm fine."

Luo Yanqin replied faintly, then continued walking forward.

As long as her mother's illness could be cured, what did it matter if she had to sacrifice her own happiness?

In stark contrast to the bustling banquet hall downstairs, the corridor outside the room was eerily serene. The dim light cast down, elongating their harmonious figures on the carpet.

The aftereffect of the alcohol was quite strong. She only felt a little dizzy while downstairs, but now she was almost fainting, her body heavily leaning on Yu Weifeng.

Yu Weifeng gently laid her down on the bed, his gentle voice then followed, "You rest well here, I'll go downstairs first."

Luo Yanqin's head was spinning so much she didn't have the strength to reply. She only lightly nodded her head.

The door closed with a sound, and Yu Weifeng left. The room returned to its quiet state.

She had a dream, a very long dream.

In the dream, her and a man clung to each other passionately, blurring the lines between where she ended and he began.

The heat of his lips and tongue kissed every inch of her body, burning like a wildfire, almost making her suffocate.

This feeling was so real, she was completely immersed in the passion, clinging to the man's shoulders, riding along with his rhythm.


Luo Yanqin woke up with a start!

Her eyes wide open, she stared at the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Her eyes were momentarily foggy, but quickly cleared.

Thank goodness it was only a dream!

She heaved a sigh of relief and prepared to sit up.

But as soon as she moved, an aching sensation soon swept over her body.

Could it be?!

Her pupils shrank, she had an uneasy premonition.

She quickly lifted up the blanket, only to see that she was completely naked, causing her face to instantly pale.

Oh my God!

It wasn't a dream after all!

With a stiffened neck, she slowly turned her head and saw a man lying beside her on the bed. His back was facing her, and there were a few ambiguous scratch marks on his naked back.

Right then, a sense of despair filled Luo Yanqin's heart.

She originally thought that even though they were engaged, as long as they weren't married, maybe things could still be turned around.

But with what happened now, the cooked rice was done, and the situation was set.

She thought the man was Yu Weifeng who had brought her up to rest last night.

There was nothing else she could do but accept it!

She collected her feelings, sat up calmly, ignored the ache of her body, got off the bed, and walked into the bathroom to clean herself up.

Her feet had barely touched the ground when the man behind her woke up.

"Who are you?" -- a frigid voice suddenly spoke.

This wasn't Yu Weifeng's voice!

Luo Yanqin was startled, her heart skipped a beat as she turned around, only to meet a pair of deep, icy black eyes.

As soon as the man saw her face, a mysterious light quickly flickered in the depths of his eyes.

Wasn't it Yu Weifeng who was with her last night?

How could it be him?

Luo Yanqin stared wide-eyed, staring at the man before her in disbelief.

The man was none other than Yu Weifeng's younger uncle, the current head of the Yu family, Yu Mo Chen.

Before her engagement to Yu Weifeng, she had looked into the Yu family. The power and influence of the Yu family were unmatched in the capital, even throughout the whole country. Not to mention, how formidable the head of the Yu family, Yu Mo Chen, was.

In fact, Yu Mo Chen was not a member of the Yu family per se but was adopted by the Yu patriarch. Even though he was not biologically related, the patriarch treated him as his own and nurtured him conscientiously. When he was capable of managing things on his own, the patriarch entrusted him with the entire Yu family. This shows how deeply the patriarch cared for him.

But now...

Under Yu Mo Chen's emotionless gaze, Luo Yanqin swallowed hard, trying to muster up a smile, "Uncle, I... you..."

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Yu Mo Chen looked at the woman in front of him. More precisely, this woman was soon to become his niece by marriage.

Last night, he had consumed quite a bit of alcohol, and was in a somewhat dazed state, but was he drunk enough to stumble into her room?

What on earth was going on?

He squinted his eyes, a hint of harshness shining through, while he stared intently at Luo Yanqin.

The room plunged into a deathly silence.

Luo Yanqin anxiously clenched her fists, unable to believe that what she thought was a dream actually became reality. What's even scarier is that the man is her fiance's uncle.

Would Yu Mo Chen think that she initiated this, that she purposely crawled into his bed?

Just as Luo Yanqin was in a whirlwind of emotions, a sudden knock on the door resonated through the room.

Startled, Luo Yanqin cried out in a panicked voice, "Who is it?"

"It's me."

The voice of Yu Weifeng echoed outside the door, immediately, Luo Yanqin's face turned as pale as paper.


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