The Billionaire‘s Daughter

The Billionaire‘s Daughter




Athena loves children, more than her own life. Seeing children brings her joy, her job is the only best part of her life.On realizing that a parent treats his daughter unfairly, she tries to make him love her.In her attempt to bring them close she falls in love, now she is caught between the Billonaires' daughter, the Billonaire and her love.
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Teaching has always been my dream job, my life, everything I've ever wanted in my entire life. Seeing children laughing around and playing brings me nothing but joy.

I've always thought of getting married and giving birth to a child or two. That was how much I loved them.

I thought quietly while a little girl in my class came forward to me holding a transparent zipper which contained some brownies.

"Good morwing Miss Athena" the little girl said with a very radiant smile. Her name was Sofia, Sofia was one of my favourite pupils, I loved her because she was very smart and it seemed she also had this little connection with me.

"Good morning darling " I replied her while stooping low to her level because according to research, that's the best way to talk to a child.

"My nana and I made these brownies, when I went to see her during the weekend and I decided to gave you" she said while holding her hands out and giving me the plastic zipper.

One thing about children was that as they grow older they tend to make a lot of mistakes with their words and pronunciation, especially with their past and present tenses. Seeing them make those innocent mistakes just shows how cute they are.

"Aww thank you, and what flavour is this?" I asked her raising one of my brow.

"Vanilla!" She jumped in excitement.

"Hmm seems vanilla is your favourite flavour right?"

"Yes" she said sheepishly while giving me a vibrant smile.

"Aww that's also my favourite flavour too, thank you!."

She was about leaving when I called her back. " Sofia, remember when we talked about tenses right?"

She nodded in response.

"Good, now when are we meant to use past tenses?"

"For things that happened in the past" she mumbled under her breath.

"Excellent!, So are you meant to say gave or give ?"

"Give" she said almost crying and when I sensed it, it made me feel heart broken.

"Hey, you don't have to cry, everyone makes mistakes" and as those left my mouth she began sobbing very loudly.

I held her in my arms and patted her and told her everything was okay. When I finally put her down she said,

"My papa always says I'm a mistake" she said using her hands to wipe her tears.

"Oh my! Sofia, you're not a mistake, you're a beautiful, strong and intelligent girl. I would die to have a daughter like you." I said while I put her on my laps and dressed her hair behind her ear.

"But, why does he hate me much?"

"Look darling maybe he was angry, I know he didn't mean it, I know your daddy loves you very much!"

"Okay" she pouted.

"Good girl now promise me you'll be happy"

"I promise " she said and I gave her a high five. She then left happily.

I thought to my self and wondered what kind of sick parent would call could their own child a mistake. These children were still fragile, they needed love and not words to bring them down. I felt I should speak to her father. He needed to stop his irritating behaviour.

After the day was over, and all the pupils had gone, I rounded up my work and left to my apartment. My apartment per say was a very small place. A room that had a small kitchen inscribed in it and a toilet. But what I loved most about my apartment was the wardrobe. It had a very big wardrobe to keep my stuff.

Personally I was a very neat person and I didn't like dirt around me, so I always arranged everything where it was meant to be and that large wardrobe allowed me to do that.

My life after school was very boring, I am a very boring person, unlike other teachers, after school they either go to their mates place or they chill with their friends or they go clubbing.

On the other hand I had "Netflix and chill", it sounds so pathetic but the only interesting thing about my life was my job. I didn't even have a boyfriend, I'm not the kind of woman that attracts men, I'm just too simple, to simple to be seen.

I opened the door and the squeak sound made some echoes. Everything was still the same way as I left it.

I dropped my bags, removed my shoes and my clothes and headed straight to the bathroom. I took a long hot shower and by the time I got up my feet and hands were already soggy.

I also forgot to mention, making dinner was also one of the favourite part of my life. I always tried to make different dishes everyday. I loved experimenting with food. Cooking was like the second thing I loved most next to children and my mother.

I went to the kitchen wearing a white singlet without a brassiere and a white short that revealed the shape of my butt while my hair was tied into a loose messy bun. I always loved wearing comfortable clothing while cooking, it gave me free will.

I headed straight to the kitchen counter and I started mixing my pancake batter. I put in some flour, sugar, salt, butter, milk, eggs, baking powder, sardines ,carrots, green peas, spring onions and red pepper. I found the recipe in an Irish blog. And since I loved sardines and veggies, I knew I'd love the pancake.

I heated up my non stick pan and added a little bit of oil while I used a spoon to scoop out the batter and put it into the pan.

I made about twenty pancakes and as I made them I placed them into a white China material. I got some pineapple juice out of my bed side fridge and poured some of it into a glass ware and kept the remainder by my side.

I turned on the TV and started watching my favourite series on Netflix "MONEY HEIST".

Money heist had always been my favourite series since it came out. I had watched it about five times. My favourite characters were Professor and Nairobi.

Professor because I found him very attractive and handsome. He was extremely gentle and quiet, that was was made me fall in love with him because I was also a very quiet person. I felt low— key jealous when he started liking Lisbon because I felt Lisbon wasn't beautiful.

Secondly, Nairobi because, Nairobi was drop dead gorgeous. She was very pretty. She loved everyone. She was like the only sane person among the people in the group. She was really mature and mother like, too bad she died in season four.

As for Tokyo, she was also very pretty, in fact, the most beautiful girl among all of them, but the only thing was that she lacked common sense. Both she and Rio.

And then Denver, his laugh could make you laugh even if you're sad. I just felt like Monica didn't have to join the heist. I was always scared for her. I didn't want her to die.

And the character I hated most was Arturo, Arturo was the most annoying, pain in the ass and a proud I know it all person. I wish he could die.

I watched the whole of money heist from season one to four. And when I checked the time it was already past three in the morning. I only had about roughly three and a half hours of sleep to catch. Teachers were to report to duty by 7:30am sharp.

I quickly shoved my self into my duvet and wished my self a good night.

My alarm snoozed when it was 6:45. I woke up and tidied where I ate in the night/morning. I washed the china material and swept the floor.

I took a very quick shower. When I checked the time, it was already past 7. I didn't have much time to make breakfast so I just took an apple from my fridge and tossed it into my bag. Just when I was about leaving I remembered that Sofia's brownies were still in my bag. I took it and quickly put it into the microwave for two minutes. I didn't even wait, I just removed it and put it into a transparent bag. I looked for my keys and hurriedly locked the door.

It was already 7:15. I was running late. I ran like there was no tomorrow. Fortunately for me, my work place was not far from my house and that was why my mornings were always the same. A rushing morning.

I got to school by 7:25, and immediately signed in. After that I tried to catch my breath because I wasn't the athletic type of person.

Trust me when I say my mornings are always the same. I just never learn.

When I got to class nobody had arrived so I brought out the brownies and began eating it. It tasted very nice. Her nana sure knew how to make brownies.

It was already past 8 and children began rushing in, everywhere became very lively. And I became very happy.

When it was 8:15 sharp the bell rang which signified signified that class was to commence immediately.

I began teaching my sweet children when I saw Sofia coming into the class crying.


Hey guys!

How do you view Athena? Is she a creep? I feel she is a creep!


Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate! If you loved the chapter please tap the little star there and you can comment below.

Next update Tomorrow.


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