CEO's Warrant: Sweetheart, You're Mine

CEO's Warrant: Sweetheart, You're Mine


Short romance

After seven years away, Ruan Mengyao returned to her home country, serendipitously running into her former lover, Gongcheng. However, Gongcheng had already completely forgotten about her! Due to a bizarre twist of fate, she ended up in his bed, only to find herself relentlessly pursued by him! Later on, in order to force Ruan Mengyao to marry him, he employed every possible scheme and tactic. "Wealth, power, status; I can give you whatever you want, all you need to do is bear me a child!" Gongcheng's eyes were pitch-black as he pinned her down on the bed. "Yes, yes, yes, wouldn't it be better to have a few more?"
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Seaside City, one o'clock in the early morning.

In the pitch-black decrepit alleyway, Ruan Mengyao was dragging her suitcase over the undulating road surface.

The suitcase's wheels made a rough and moist sound, reverberating in the silent dead of night.

She was wearing a lead-grey coat, half of her face hidden in a thick cashmere scarf. There had been a light rain earlier, and the muddy water had dampened the tips of her shoes.

The moonlight was cold and clear, and the alleyway seemed never-ending, the air saturated with a dreary damp smell of mildew.

Suddenly, a peculiar footstep sound echoed from behind her.


It was the sound of low-quality hard rubber shoes tapping on the ground, unnerving in the deserted alley.

Ruan Mengyao abruptly stopped, a chilling wind seeped into her collar unawares, making her shiver uncontrollably.

The footsteps behind her also stopped.

A dark figure stood not far behind her, a pair of eyes staring at her.

She remained still, and so did the figure.

Inhaling a deep breath of cold air, Ruan Mengyao exhaled a puff of white mist. Burying her face deeper into her scarf, she quickened her pace.

Ruan Mengyao walked faster and faster, her head down, breaking into a slight jog.

"Clack, clack..."

The sound of footsteps trailed her, getting closer and closer...


A hand suddenly reached from behind and covered her mouth. Next, she was pushed against the damp wall.

"Mmph, Mmmph..."

"Don't move!"

The man's voice was hoarse and dry. His body pressed against Ruan Mengyao's. He pulled off her scarf like a pervert and fervently sniffed her pearly, tender neck.

Ruan Mengyao's face turned pale; she stiffened her body but dared not resist.

She could clearly feel a sharp knife held against her waist, even a slight move would cause the blade to cut into her skin.

An odor similar to a foul alleyway emanated from the man, making Ruan Mengyao feel nauseous.

"Shout and I'll stab you to death!" the man threatened viciously. He removed his hand and hurriedly began groping Ruan Mengyao.

"Wait..." Ruan Mengyao broke out in cold sweat, and yelled urgently, " you know me?"

"Hell if I know who you are! Just shut up!" The man lost his patience, and was about to rip her skirt apart.

"You don’t know me and yet you dare to abduct me? You're asking for death!"

Ruan Mengyao stomped her heel backward with all her strength, causing the man to howl in pain.

She swiftly turned around, kneed the knife from the man's hand, grabbed her scarf to blindfold the man, and started kicking him ruthlessly.

Ruan Mengyao had learned a few self-defense moves at school, but it was all amateur level skills.

"You disgusting brat! I'll kill you!"

The man tore off the scarf over his head, giving her a chance to turn tail and run.

Just getting off the plane and encountering a sexual predator, what excellence luck indeed!

Ruan Mengyao risked her life running for her life, with the alley's exit just ahead, she picked up her speed and bolted.

Suddenly, a beam of white light flashed across her face, making it impossible for her to open her eyes!

A Rolls-Royce Phantom approached at a high speed, like a beast tearing through the dark night, charging towards her!

Everything around was a flash of white light, Ruan Mengyao shielded her eyes with her hands, standing dumbfounded in the middle of the road, oblivious to what just happened. The screeching brakes echoed in her ears just before she was knocked down.

"Hiss... It hurts so bad!"

Ruan Mengyao sat awkwardly on the ground, propping herself up with her elbows. The pain penetrated her heart. Her pale little face was twisted in pain.

The Rolls-Royce had come to a stop, the wheels were just millimeters away from crushing her legs, Ruan Mengyao looked at it, breaking out in a cold sweat.

She almost, almost died...

After a long time, seeing that the driver had no intention of getting out, Ruan Mengyao gritted her teeth and said, "Hey! How can you drive like that? Using your high beam at night, even a blind person would be blinded by you!"

This was the first time she had encountered a hit and run driver with such lack of awareness.

The cool white headlights of the car were still illuminating forward, casting an oily glow on the asphalt road.

The pitch-black Rolls-Royce lay silent next to her, as lifeless as if she had merely imagined it all.

If it weren't for the hum of its engine, Ruan Mengyao would really suspect if there was someone inside!

In the car, the man behind the wheel was on the phone, his bold brows furrowed. His face was not panicking, but there was a bit of hesitation.

Did he just hit someone?

"Young Master? Young Master... Are you listening?"

"Mm." He responded simply, with a calm and cold tone.

"Miss Xia is in unbearable pain. The family doctor has looked at her and confirmed it to be chronic appendicitis. She refuses to take any painkillers and wants to wait for you..."

Before the steward could finish speaking, banging sounds replaced his voice on the phone.

The man turned his head, spotting a woman outside with disheveled hair, pounding forcefully on the car window.

"Eh? Young Master... What's happening over there?"

The man raised his slender fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose, his lips barely moving,"I'll be right there."

With that, he hung up.

Fearful that the person inside might not hear, Ruan Mengyao did not hold back at all. She gestured towards herself and the car, shouting in frustration,"You hit me, you know!"

At this moment, hurried footsteps echoed down the alley.

Ruan Mengyao shot a quick glance at the entrance of the alley, desperately pounding on the car window. But the person inside showed no reactions, making her wish she could plow through the thick glass!

This person parked the car here without making a move or uttering a word, for what reason, she did not understand. If this went on, she would surely lose her life in this situation!


The car lock was opened, and almost at the same moment, Ruan Mengyao opened the back door and got in.

The car's heater was on, but Ruan Mengyao felt a blast of icy air, causing her to shudder. A faint smell of tobacco lingered in the air.

Ruan Mengyao sat upright and said with a congested nose, "Sir, your car is worth at least ten million, one of the top in Haicheng. You can surely afford the medical bills. Although the traffic police won’t pull you over for using high-beam headlights and speeding in the middle of the night, you did hit me. I’m injured and I don't need you to take me to the hospital. You can just drop me off at Ren Tong intersection."

She spoke straightforwardly, however, the man at the front didn't respond.

Ruan Mengyao furrowed her brows, her interest piqued. Her fox-like eyes squinted slightly.

The man sat in the driver's seat, his back lines were smooth and upright, and the neatly clipped short hair at the back of his full head. His shirt collar stood out, intensely white.

She noticed the man’s hand-sewn gold cufflinks on his shirt sleeve, reflecting a cold and sharp light.

The man didn’t notice Ruan Mengyao taking in this sight. He sat quietly in the dark, with a restrained aura that gave off a steady yet intimidating vibe. It made Ruan Mengyao unknowingly tense her fingers.

Even though she couldn’t see his face, she believed that the man sitting in front of her was extremely outstanding.

Ruan Mengyao's breathing was slow, almost stagnant. Suddenly, a chill surged through the air—

"I'm in a rush and it's not on my way. How much for the medical expenses?"


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