Falling Apart

Falling Apart

Author:The Fallen Angel



Jessica Williams is a dedicated, intelligent student and a dutiful daughter. She is a great friend and an amazing girlfriend to her childhood best friend who is also her high school crush - Alexander Mckenzie. Everything was perfect until she received an offer that was hard to say no to. Starting her first semester in a college that was never among her choices, she had to follow the complete opposite direction of her plans. With a lot of changes in the way, life started to fall apart. Will she be strong enough to overcome the pains? Or will she succumb to the pain? Will she fight the cries of her soul? Or will she give in to them? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• This is a sequel to my first book My Highschool Crush. I strongly advise that you read My Highschool Crush first so as to not get confused with the plot.
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Jessie's P.O.V.

As I sit in my room packing my stuff, I can't help but to look back at how my Senior Year went. Who would have thought that I would be the girlfriend of the hottest Team Captain in school? If somebody told me that I would be dating The Alexander Mckenzie and go to prom with him, I would laugh my ass out and tell them that it's impossible.

I'm currently folding my clothes that I will be taking with me. I grabbed one of my favorite hoodies of all time. It was Xander's hoodie. He gave it to me last summer during one of our trips to the beach. It has been my favorite hoodie and I have been wearing it almost every day.

A year ago, I had every single thing planned out. I was going to graduate with my best friends Sophie and Emmy. We were going to go to Griffinfield University and rent our own apartment so that we don't have to stay in dorms. Sophie hates dorms and she can't possibly sneak Mark in the dorm since no boys are allowed in dorms. You can't possibly separate those two love birds.

We had the next 5 years perfectly planned out already. Little did we know that I would graduate high school with a boyfriend and an amazing scholarship from one of the best Universities in the World. I had a hard time deciding. My plan was to study in Griffinfield University. Xander's dad wants him to study at Harvard. That means he will have to move back to the States. He said that he can just convince his dad to let him stay and study in Griffinfield University but things didn't go as expected.

When everyone asked me where I would study medicine, I did not know what to tell them. One of the reasons why I wanted to study in Griffinfield is because it's only a 4 hour drive from home. I can come home on the weekends. Sophie and Emmy are going to study at Griffinfield as well. Then there is Xander. Ever since Xander and I reunited, we have been closer than before. We were once again the inseparable twins.

I was torn in between. I want to be with my friends and of course Xander but at the same time I want the best for Xander. Harvard is far better than Griffinfield. Graduating in Harvard would open up way more opportunities for him rather than in Griffinfield. Uncle Tim is offering to pay for my tuition fee in Harvard if I want to study with Xander. If I go to Harvard with Xander, then I would have to leave Sophie and Emmy.

I have never thought that I would be in this position where I have to choose between my best friends and my boyfriend. Mom and Dad told me that I should base my decision on the future that I want to have. I can't just base my decisions on being with my best friends or boyfriend.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not know that I was staring at Xander's hoodie.

"You know you could have just called me so that you can hug me right? It's way better than staring at my hoodie." Xander said, bringing me out of my trance.

He walked in my room and sat next to me. He kissed my cheeks and hugged me.

"You done?" he asked, looking around my room.

"Almost. Just need to pack some more clothes." I replied, leaning to his side.

"Do you need any help?" he asked.

"I'm good. I still have 2 weeks before leaving. It's no rush. What about you? Are you done packing your stuff?" I replied.

"Yup. Dad already shipped my shoes and most of my clothes yesterday to the apartment." he replied.

"Cool." I simply replied.

"Wanna go to the lake?" he asked.

"Sure. Let me just finish up with these." I said.

He got up and laid down on my bed as I finished packing my clothes. I hung the hoodie in my closet and finished folding the rest of my clothes. I separated the clothes that I will bring and the clothes that I will leave in the house. After 15 minutes of folding and packing, I closed my luggage and set it aside for later. I am not yet completely done but I still have 2 weeks before I leave for college. It's enough time for me to finish packing.

I took a quick shower before heading out. After letting Mom and Dad know that I am heading out, Xander drove us to the lake. We arrived at the lake and walked around to enjoy the quiet peaceful scenery. We were walking hand in hand down the garden section of the lake.

"I will miss this place." I said as we stopped by the garden igloo.

"I will miss you more." Xander replied.

I stared into his eyes and hugged him. We just stayed like that for minutes. I have been dreading this topic for weeks. I thought I would never have to be separated from him again after we were reunited. This feels worse than when we were 5 years old. I told myself that if we were able to make it 12 years without talking to each other nor seeing each other, 6 years would be a piece of cake. Besides there is facetime, Instagram, skype, Facebook and WhatsApp. We can always call each other anytime.

I try to make my brain and heart accept these reasons. My brain is trying to convince me that it will be okay but my heart says otherwise. Looking at the bright side, it will only be 6 years. He would still come home during Christmas and New Year.

I was so caught up with convincing myself that everything will be okay that I did not notice that I was starting to cry. I only realized that I was crying when Xander wiped my tears away.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise." Xander said.

"I will miss you. I will miss everyone." I said, trying not to cry but failing.

"Don't cry. It's going to be so fast and by the time you realize you are already graduating." Xander said as he calmed me down.

He pulled me into a hug. It was a tight hug. It was as if he was trying to assure me that it would be okay. Everything will be okay.

We sat by the docks as we watched the sun set. We left soon afterwards and drove back to my house. Mom and Dad were by the living room when we got home.

"Hi Mom. Hi Dad." I greeted them sitting on one of the sofas with Xander.

"Hey kiddos. Are you both ready for college?" Dad asked.

"My stuff is ready but I don't think I am ready Uncle Matty." Xander replied.

"I can tell. You both look like a wreck." Dad replied laughing.

"Dad! How are you not sad that your one and only daughter is leaving for college?" I asked.

"Sweety, we knew that this day would come. The day where we will have to let you go. One way or another you are bound to leave your nest and start off your life. College is just the beginning. After college, you will be working. Then, you will get married and have your own family. We raised you not to stay with us. We raised you so that one day you can have your own family that you will raise too." Dad explained.

I started tearing up with Dad's explanation.

Growing up in a family of three, I always had their attention. I got used to growing up with them. It's not like growing up with siblings who are older than you and have to leave for college.

"Besides, it's just college honey. We will still be here. It's not like we are disowning you or something. You are still our daughter." Mom added.

"Why does adulting have to be so hard?" I whined.

Mom, Dad and Xander laughed at me.

We continued to just talk about what life in college would be like and Dad gave us tips on how to cope up with college life.

After dinner, Xander helped me with the dishes. We were just finishing up when my phone rang.

"Hey Sophie! What's up?" I answered.

"Jessie, Mark is throwing a party at his house. Come over." Sophie replied.

"Wow! A party?" I asked.

"Just come over you two and hurry up." Sophie said before ending the call.

"Mark is throwing a party at his house. Sophie is dragging us." I informed Xander.

"A party? I did not know he was planning on throwing one." Xander replied.

"Exactly. Well, we should go. Mark might get mad at us for ditching his party. We can stop over at your house if you want to change?" I said.

"No need. I think I still have some extra clothes in my trunk. Let me go ahead and check." he said, heading out the door to check his car.

I went straight to my room and grabbed a fresh pair of jeans and shirt to wear. I took a quick bath. I got out of the bathroom and saw Xander laying down on my bed.

"Did you find clothes?" I asked.

"Yup. Let me just take a quick shower." Xander said before grabbing the towel from my hair and entering my bathroom.

I just finished blow drying my hair when he came out of the bathroom. He sat on the edge of my bed and I blow dried his hair as well.

"I will definitely miss this." I said as I blow dry his hair.

"Me too. No one will blow dry my hair anymore." he replied, pulling me into a hug.

It has become a habit of ours. Whenever I sleep over at their house or vice versa, I would always blow dry his hair after doing mine.

After blow drying his hair, I applied mascara and my favorite matte lipstick. I only apply light makeup when I go to parties. I took my phone and placed it in my pocket. I knocked on Dad's study room to let him know that Xander and I are going to Mark's party.

The drive to Mark's house was not long. When we arrived at his house, we were confused because his house looked so quiet. The lights were closed and there were no cars or people outside the house. There was not even a single noise.

"Are you sure that the party is at his house?" Xander asked me.

"Yup. Sophie said that Mark is throwing a party at his house." I replied.

We knocked on the door but there were no replies. Xander tried the door and it was open. I was about to turn on the flashlight from my phone when the lights turned on.



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