The Chemistry Between Us

The Chemistry Between Us



Su Fan, who had just been employed, was sent to the room of an old man by his superior. In a daze, they spent a whole night together. It was not until daybreak that they learned that he was actually the big shot who covered the sky. What should they do, and what should we do? This man had both power and power. The key was that he was good-looking and had a good figure. At night, she was still able to struggle to survive. How was this uncle? He was even more fierce than fresh meat! Many years later, he put the woman in the gorgeous wedding dress into the fitting room. The cold glass was piercing through her bone marrow. And his enchanting voice came to her ears, "Little baby, seven times a day or eight times a day? Just give it back to me when you finish!" Oh my god, her tiny body was about to be lost.
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  This was not the first time that Su Fan had seen Huo Xiuqing. This month, she had already met the director's desk of the young Provincial Party Committee twice.

  The last time when she was invited by Director Huang to have dinner with her leader, she had been working for almost a year. Director Huang ordered Jiang Shanshan to be the most beautiful woman in the company. But this time, it was her, Su Fan. Since it was the leader's order, she didn't dare to refuse, so she went with him. She only saw Huo Yuqing twice.

  At this time, on the way to Huo Xiuqing's house, the cold wind made her tremble. The memory of meeting him was replaying in her mind.

  She remembered that he was humorous and well-educated, unlike other people at the dinner table. Every time, she sat in the position opposite him. It happened to be where the waiter served food. The distance was too far, and he was the chief's main guest, Su Fan did not dare to stare at him.

  Tonight, the director asked her to go to Huo Xiuqing's house to help. Before she could ask about it clearly, the director hung up the phone and told her to listen to his leader's instructions.

  Maybe it was because she needed someone to entertain the guests in Secretary Huo's house. She remembered that Huo Yuqing once praised her for taking care of the dinner party, which was better than that of the waiters. Maybe that was the reason!

  Standing at the door of his house, Su Fan took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock on the door.

  The door opened. When she was about to speak, she found that the person who had opened the door had already returned to the room, and she hurried into his house.

  His back seemed to have entered the living room. As soon as Su Fan entered the room, he saw a pair of men's leather shoes lying on the ground of the porch. She put them on, casually found a pair of slippers and put them on, and carefully walked into the living room.

  Hey, why didn't there seem to be a party at his home? It was so quiet that there was no sound!

  Su Fan was full of doubts as he stood next to the plants at the junction of the entrance and the living room, only to find him sitting on the sofa.

  "Chairman Huo, Director Huang asked me to come and help you. I don't know if there's anything you need me to do. Please tell me." She slowly walked to the sofa and said politely.

  While speaking, she still couldn't help but feel confused and looked around carefully. Until now, she still thought that the director had sent her to Huo Xiuqing's house to do the housework.

  Huo Xiuqing looked at her with her eyes slightly squinting. She felt surprised. "Why does Su Fan seem to know nothing? Doesn't she know what he is doing here?"

  She returned a polite smile, crossed her hands behind her back, and held each other uneasily.

  Half an hour ago, when he just came back from eating lunch from the outside, he received a phone call from Director Huang of the Intelligence Bureau in Cloud City. Director Huang said that Xiao Su of their bureau admired Huo Yang very much and wanted to ask him some questions in person. As for the implication, Huo Xiuqing already knew it very well.

  At that time, he drank too much. When he heard Director Huang mention the name of Su Fan, he immediately saw the pair of eyes that looked at him. He was a little soft, uneasy but pretending to be calm. As if his brain was out of joint, he agreed to Director Huang. He had always been a clean-minded person with no gossip. Even when he went out to socialize, he never touched any woman. But tonight, he didn't know why he made such an absurd decision. Maybe it was too lonely!

  He knew why Director Huang suddenly walked around with him. It was because he heard that Director Huang would be promoted to the mayor of Yun City. One of Director Huang's comrades-in-arms had been in touch with him for a long time. It was the man who led the way to know him. Yun City was where the province capital was located, so he had a lot of influence. And Director Huang's purpose of sending Su Fan to the city was also very clear.

  "Please pour me a glass of water!" He saw her uneasiness and said.


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