The Heaven Chose Me

The Heaven Chose Me



Joshua Wu was born with a miserable fate-cursed by God, abandoned by his parents, but lucky enough he was then saved by a master hand of superpower. Still, there are endless unexpected calamities along his way to growing up. Someday, as he woke up... "Ah, am I in the hospital again?" Joshua opened his eyes, his head dizzy as if something continuously flooding into his mind. "So weird, you are awake so quick! You are badly injured with bleeding wounds when you were sent there, but we couldn't find any wounds," said the nurse. "Didn't find a wound?" Joshua subconsciously touched the back of his head. "Did the curse start to work or was my superpower began to awake?" thought Joshua...
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Where was this place? Hospital?

Under the snow-white ceiling, the smell of disinfectant pervaded the air...

When Joshua Wu woke up, his mind was a mess.

After a brief dizzy spell, a lot of things seemed to appear in his mind in an instant. Wait, whose memory was that?

Right when he was about to digest these thoughts, the door to the ward was pushed open.

As it did, a fragrance wafted in.

It was the kind of unique fragrance that could only belong to a young lady.

Sure enough, a young and beautiful lady walked in.

Looking at her nurse's outfit and the bottles in her hand, Joshua knew that she wasn't here to visit him.

When the nurse saw Joshua Wu staring at her, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"You... you're awake! The doctor said it would at least take you till tonight to wake up," exclaimed the beautiful nurse in disbelief.

"My will is stronger than most!" beamed Joshua with a smile.

"You really are tougher than most!" agreed the beautiful nurse. "I heard that you were bashed in the head with a chair and you were bleeding profusely when you were sent to the hospital. But when you arrived, the doctors couldn't find your wound and the MRI didn't show any internal injury. Yet, you were unconscious, so the doctor thought that you might have been in shock and you would only regain consciousness later in the evening."

"What? You didn't find a wound?" Joshua subconsciously touched the back of his head.

Indeed, there was no wound at all, just like what the beautiful nurse said!

"You're Joshua Wu, right? Since you're awake, I'll put you on a drip right now. Please bear with me!"

When Joshua heard that, he couldn't help feeling surprised.

Since there was nothing wrong with him, why did he need a drip?

At that moment, he tried lifting his leg and didn't feel that anything was wrong.

Then, he moved his hands and his neck. They seemed to be as flexible as ever.

Sitting up straight, Joshua said, "Look at me, gorgeous. I'm fine. Can we forget about the drip then?"

"No, Doctor Jamal said that you need a drip, and I can't make a decision without his permission. Also, please call me Miss."

Upon hearing that, Joshua rolled his eyes.

Although this lady was good-looking, she was pretty ruthless.

"Gorgeous... Uh... Miss, I've already confirmed that I'm fine, and I want to be discharged now. Please call the doctor. I want to process my discharge immediately."

While Joshua said this, he could feel his bank account wincing in pain.

After all, his meager income barely covered his living expenses, so it was definitely not going to endure such a hefty medical bill.

What was most important was that he hadn't paid for his medical insurance yet.

On top of that, he probably didn't have enough money in his card...


The beautiful nurse's decisive refusal shocked Joshua as his eyes widened.

Why was his request denied? Did this hospital have a kidnapping policy or something?

At that moment, his brain had gotten used to the various things happening around him, so Joshua could only find a place to think carefully about everything.

However, while he was in a daze, the syringe in the beautiful nurse's hand gradually got closer.

As if feeling immense threat, he grabbed the beautiful nurse's wrist instinctively and asked, "What do you think you are doing?"

Because her wrists were grabbed so suddenly, the beautiful nurse's expression totally changed, but right when she was about to scream, she heard a commotion outside the door.

Then, Joshua could see a man running in frantically with an old man on his back as he shouted for help through the door of the ward.

"Well, you seem to have a guest. Why don't you go check on him?"

"Check my a**!" After the nurse shook her painful wrist, she glared fiercely at Joshua.

"How could an adult man like you be so afraid of a needle? You'd better sit still right here. I'll be back in a while!"

After saying that, she stuffed the drip and the syringe to Joshua. Then, she ran out the door.

Finally, avoiding being pricked by the needle, Joshua let out a long sigh of relief.

Since he was a child, he had rarely been sick. Even if he occasionally had a headache and a fever, Hugo Wu would always cure it with his unknown ways.

Other than getting the necessary immunizations needed to attend school, Joshua pretty much never stepped foot in the hospital before, let alone took injections.

This time, the fact that he was in a hospital was already an exception.

When Joshua thought about Hugo, his heart skipped a beat.

It seemed like those thoughts in his mind were left behind by Hugo.

However, he only learned so little from him and he barely skimmed the surface of the unique knowledge that Hugo taught. So, how was he seeing everything so clearly now?

Joshua was an orphan who knew neither of his parents, and he was adopted and brought up by Hugo.

Meanwhile, Hugo was a mysterious man. After living with him for almost 20 years, Joshua didn't know if Hugo was his real name at all.

All he knew was that Hugo made his keep telling the fortune of others.

When Joshua was 18 years old, Hugo had already left him.

What he left behind for Joshua was an old apartment in Musenyero full of shabby furniture and a letter placed on the table.

On top of the letter was a turtle shell, and the contents of the letter were very concise.

In the writing, Hugo told Joshua not to try and find him. If Joshua wanted to repay him for taking care of him all these years, he should inherit his stall and tell other people's fortune for three years. After three years, he would understand everything.

In the 20 years that Joshua spent with Hugo, this was his only request for Joshua. So, Joshua had no reason to refuse. Just like that, three years went by.

The reason Joshua even dared tell fortune was all because of that turtle shell. As long as he put his hand on the turtle shell, he could tell his customers' fortunes no matter what they asked.

However, it was exactly because of the accuracy of his fortune-telling that landed him in such big trouble right when the three-year promise was almost up. In turn, it caused him to fall unconscious and be hospitalized.

Now, the things in his mind were left by Hugo and it contained the results of his training all these years and some other information regarding Joshua's origin.

"What kind of hospital is this? Where are the doctors? Why is there only one nurse?"

The sudden disturbance from outside brought Joshua back to reality from his distant memories.

Whatever it was, he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he hurried out of the ward.

In the corridor, a strong young man was helping an unconscious old man onto a chair as he glared fiercely at the beautiful nurse.

At that moment, the beautiful nurse no longer had the hard-headed attitude from before. Instead, she was just standing there anxiously panicking.

Turning to look at the old man, he realized that he was pale, and his breathing was labored. Obviously, there was a problem with his heart that caused the shortage of blood in his brain.

"What is a man like you yelling at a lady like that for?"

Right when the young man was about to continue venting, Joshua added on instead, "There should be something wrong with the old man's heart. Hurry up and find an expert in this field!"

"Yes! Yes! My grandfather had a heart attack and he did a stent operation... Why are you still standing there?"

As soon as the young man finished his words, he cast Joshua a grateful look.

In his state of panic earlier, he actually forgot to mention something so important.

A moment later, the nurse snapped out of her daze and rushed to call a doctor.

Then, Joshua continued, "And you too. Don't you know how cold this seat is? Hurry up and get the old man to my bed first!"

After the young man heard Joshua's lecture, his initially grateful look got slightly more unpleasant.

In the past 20 years of his life, no one other than his parents or his grandpa dared speak to him that way.

However, since the young man didn't know what to say, he only nodded and did what Joshua said.


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