JENLISA One More Try

JENLISA One More Try




Contradicting to what others call FANSERVICE ; this story is about how JENLISA started and how CHAESOO supported them and developed feelings for each other later on. ONE MORE TRY is an emotional rollercoaster ride for each member following their tours worldwide, schedules and TV shows, let this take you behind the scenes--- what happens to them without the cameras and the struggle in hiding their true feelings when they are in public.
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Lisa's POV

It's been eight years now... and a lot has changed. My heart has been full, broken and full and broken over and over again. What have I gotten into? I wish I can go back when we were still training... working our butts off until we reach our dreams... now, we're here... it's happening... but everything seems to be happening so fast. I miss her. I guess things will never really be the same again.

@Lisa's Room

Chaeng : Hey Lisayah! Is everything alright? You seem to be having deep thoughts.

Lisa : hi unnie.,, yeah.. I guess I'm okay... I guess it isn't normal to knock nowadays huh. But thanks for asking.

Chaeng : thinking of someone?

Lisa : Ani.

Chaeng : jinjaroooo?

Lisa : Unnieeeeeeeeee. Please. Stop.

Chaeng : Okayiiiii. Just forget her already, jae—bal?

Lisa : I know chaeng. Trust me. I know.

Chaeng tapped Lisa's shoulder and left. She's such a good friend to Lisa. She genuinely cares for her and looks after her since Day1.

Lisa's POV

I need to stop thinking about her or I'll go crazy. I miss the old HAPPY Lisa. The carefree—Lisa. Oh, Jendukie, what have you done to me...???

Lisa buried her face to her hands and Tears started flowing down her cheeks...

@ The Kitchen

Jisoo : Heyaaaaaa Jendukie! What are you cooking?

Jennie : Hi unnie! I decided to cook gamjatang.

Jisoo : Wow. Isn't that maknae's favorite?

Jennie : Oh yeah? I.. uh... forgot. I just feel like eating one right now.

Jennie was sounding really uncertain to convince Jisoo that it doesn't have anything to do about Lisa.

Jisoo : jinja? You forgot? You expect me to believe that?

Obviously, Jisoo didn't believe her bestfriend.

Jennie : Oh c'mon Chu. It's not like it's a big deal.

Jisoo : Jen.. I'm your what?

Jennie : Bestfriend.

Jisoo : Exactly... we both know it is a big deal.

Jennie : But why can't I cook her favorite food??? What if I like eating gamjatang too? Don't you guys like gamjatang? Why can't it be that simple?

Jennie sounded really pissed at Jisoo interrogating her nonstop. She's guilty, that's why.

Jisoo : Oh becaaaaaaaaaauuuuuse... you really want me to remind you Jen?

Jennie : Unnie jae—bal...

Jennie automatically changed her mood after hearing what Jisoo said... She's sorry for what she did and she regrets it... she's also aware how much she has hurt Lisa's feelings.

Jisoo : Okay. It can't be that simple because we both know for a fact that Lisa likes you. And God knows she has already fallen for you. We both know our maknae... you've dated Kai.. and I haven't seen her smile like she used to do before. She's heart broken Jen... believe it or not, I always hear her crying from my room. And what you did to her... isn't cool Jen.

Jisoo approached Jennie and comforted her bestfriend who started crying...

Jennie : Tell me Chu, am I a bad person?

She leaned her head on Jisoo's shoulders for comfort.

Jisoo : You're not if you were honest then it would not seem as if you played with her heart.

Jennie : But I...

Jisoo : Hey... I understand ... you know that. I never judged you with the decisions that you make or made or will be making in the future. But Lisa is like a family... we're like a family. You're her first love. And we both know she didn't deserve to be hurt that way... Both of you didn't deserve to be hurt.

Jennie : I know Chu... I know I have been terrible... I just really don't know what to do... I don't wanna keep hurting her... I care for her Chu... you know that...

Jisoo : Hey... sshhh... stop crying now... it'll all be alright. Okay? Just cook another dish that won't make things more awkward. Alright?

Jennie : Okay Chu... Can you help me?

Jisoo : Dang—heun—ah—ji!

Jisoo and Jennie decided to cook Kimchi fried rice and Chaeng immediately rushed to the kitchen after smelling the delicious dish.

Chaeng : Hey you two! What are you guys cooking?

Jennie : Anyeong Chaeng! It's my specialty... Kimchi Friedrich and...

Jisoo : Gamjatang!!!

Chaeng suddenly felt worried upon knowing the answer and suddenly thought of Lisa. Jisoo noticed the sudden change in Chaeng's expression.

Jisoo : Chaeng, don't look all so worried. It's not a big deal.

Jennie : Yes Chaeng. It's sure is delicious.

Chaeng : Easy for you guys to say. You have no idea what Lisa's been going through right now and I miss my bestfriend too unnie... She hasn't been the same since...

Jennie : Chaeng pls. Don't.

Chaeng : Sorry Unnie. I guess I'll ask her to eat outside. I appreciate the cooking but this won't be good for her. But spare some for me later. Okay?

Jennie : But... is that really necessary Chaeng?

Jisoo : Jen, I agree with Chaeng. Let's not push it this time.

Chaeng : Thanks unnie! I'll go get Lisa. See you guys later. Sarangheyoooo!!!


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