Caged By Him

Caged By Him

Author:Jyoti Trivefi


Realistic Urban

Mabel thought, "Jacob is the person my father wants me to marry. In public, he was known for generous behavior, but I know his reality. His heart is hard as rock and cold as ice. He was acting like a good person only for his father's property to fight with his step - brothers. He would never ever love me. But, this is not the reason why I don't want to marry him. Actually,I know he is handsome and many women want to marry him. But, I am in love with someone else. My lover is a castel worker, not rich like my father. So, we two love birds have decided to run away from the mansion and live happily." Thinking of this, Mabel sleeps peacefully. But before she could run away, she realized that her lover, that castel worker, was being stabbed thousands of times. Blood was spread all over the floor. "Jacob! How could you be so cruel to kill my lover?" Jacob didn't reply at all. He just watched Mabel crying for her lover's death. ..... Few days later. Mabel was caged. She was still crying to protect herself from the ruthless master. He wasn't leaving her at any cost. He made her his s*x slave. He had already taken everything from her. He killed her father and destroyed her kingdom. To protect herself, she could only beg from him. But only begging was not enough for him, he wanted more!
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Justin's Pow:-

The clock stuck at 10:00 pm.

It was a normal day in my life. I was dealing with normal pizza delivery calls like every day.

On that day, I was really tired because of delivering pizzas more than two times as I used to do on daily basis.

Most of the staff had already left. So, I also started packing my bag. But, my stars weren't at my side at all. As I was about to leave, someone called on the store's phone.

I was the only one available at that time, so I received it. But on the next second, I realized it was a prank call as I could only hear the busy tone from the other side.

I thanked God and started leaving. Suddenly, the store's phone rang again. I sighed!

"Hello!" I had no energy left but I had to say something.

"I need 10 large size cheese pizzas!" The other person spoke.

For a moment, I looked at the phone in astonishment. This was a phone call from an old lady. Her voice was creepy and felt like her throat was burnt.

But, as 'the customers are god', I wrote the address she provided. I put the call on hold and went to the kitchen to ask the manager about the new order.

My manager said, "You can deliver this. And after that, go directly to your home."


At that time, I was helpless. I was tired, but I knew that I would be the only one who would get an extra tip. So, I sighed!

But, the phone caller was rude. She had already hung up the phone without waiting.


After sitting in the car, the first thing I did was to track the location of the given residence with the help of GPS. At that time, I realized that this was going to be the longest pizza delivery of my life.

The little bit I knew, it was the last!

Our company promised people to deliver the pizza within 30 minutes. As there was still a hefty time left, I started dreaming happily. As I know, the woman had ordered 10 large pizzas, I am going to get a good tip.

It's not an easy task to drive on a dirt road. But finally, I reached!

It was nighttime. The location I reached was a forest. The only thing I could see was an old house from my right. All thanks to moonlight so that I could see that house somehow.

Somehow, I felt something was wrong. There was not a single car parked, nor a single light was 'ON' in that house.

"Is the party already over? Have I come late?" I thought. But, my mobile was showing the right time.

So, I decided to park my vehicle and called the boss.

"Hello!" A cold voice fell over my ears.

I thought that my boss again fought with his wife. But, I need to ask him whether this location was right or not!

I said, "Boss, please check at least three times, whether this is the location or not. Because there is no one inside and I am alone. I don't want to step out of the car."

My boss roared, "At least knock on the door and check whether there is someone inside or not!"

After saying this, he cut the phone.

I was stunned. How could someone behave like this to his employees? But, I knew his character so well. He usually gets angry whenever I took 1 pizza in return.

This was the matter on 10 large cheese pizzas!


I calmed myself down and brought some courage to get out of my car. I didn't take the pizza with me.

I was alert at every moment. But slowly and finally, I reached the door. And yeah! There was no bell door.

I was disgusted. I realized that it was one hundred percent a prank of a nerd.

But, as my boss said, I knocked on the door.

Knock, knock, knock!

Even after knocking loudly, I didn't hear anything. Moreover, I wasn't even expecting that I would listen to something.

I was extremely disappointed. Not because nobody was answering, just because it was none other than a 'Big Time Waste.'

Frustratingly, I knocked again, waiting for a miracle.

Knock, knock, knock!

Huh! Nobody opened. I decided to quit. I turned around and was about to leave, suddenly I heard a sound.

It was a sound of a footstep. Someone was coming near to the door. I sighed! My boss was right!

Maybe, they have slept after doing a party.

Excitingly, I knocked again!

Knock, knock, knock!

I shouted, "Hello sir, I am Pizza Delivery Boy!"

Just after I spoke, the voice of the footstep stopped. I frowned. Now, I was started feeling uncomfortable.

I shook my head helplessly and started looking here and there. Suddenly, my gaze fell over the window.

At that time, my intuition told me that someone was staring at me from the window. I didn't know who was that. But, I knew that there was someone and he was constantly looking at me without blinking!

It was the scariest thing that happened in my life. Although I am a man, at that time, I was horrified.

As I was alert to my surrounding, I immediately ran towards my car. All thanks to god that I reached and sat in the car. My first thing was to lock all the doors and shut the windows.

But, the main problem was my car's engine wasn't working at all. My heartbeat started thumping. I was somehow relieved that my doors and my windows are locked properly.

But, this damn car!

Finally, at the seventh time, my car started. I thanked God!

So, I turned my car from the parking area and started driving the car. My lips curled up. But, not for more than five seconds.

I suddenly realized that something was wrong. My car wasn't moving smoothly on the road. It was SHAKING!


But, I don't give a f*ck! My main purpose was to escape from this forest as soon as possible. But my luck wasn't at my side. I didn't even drive for more than sixty seconds and I started hearing sharp voices from my car.

Krrr... Krr... eee... eee...

And, just I was driving, my car stopped in a middle way.

I took a deep breath, calmed myself, and opened the car's door. I stepped out to check what was exactly wrong!

I was stunned. My jaw's dropped and my eyes got widened. What I saw was something I didn't expect.

My all car's tires were punctured. Not only they were punctured, but their screws were also loosened. At any second, tires could fall apart.

I realized that this was done by someone at that moment when I went to knock on the door.

At that time, my heartbeat was beating vigorously. Instead of running, my safest option was to sit in the car and think about what to do next.

I immediately sat in the car and locked the door. To be honest, I wasn't far from that house. So, I didn't dare to look back.

Finally, I called the police and informed everything. Police were very helpful. They replied, "Don't worry, in any minute, we would be there. Just all you need to hide somewhere."

I asked hurriedly, "Should I stay in the car? Or run?"

Police calmed me and said, "You don't need to run at the moment. Trust us. We would be there at any minute. So, stay in the car."

I don't know why but I was unwilling to hang up the phone. I believed that talking to the police won't make me feel alone. But what happened next made me destroyed from inside.

Whenever I remember that moment, my body still trembles a bit. I pray to God that what happened to me, doesn't happen to anybody, not even my enemies.

As my eyes were scanning everything. I was very much alert. I was just making sure that nobody was near me.

At that time, my eyes suddenly fell over the rear mirror of my car. I saw the same person who was staring from the window.

I saw a woman. She was old, probably. Her eyes were widened and her hair was messy. She was standing there while having a creepy smile.

Suddenly, I closed my eyes and then finally dared to open them. She was still standing there. I didn't dare to turn my head. I just looking at her from the rare mirror.

I was very much terrified. I started observing her facial figures. Her forehead was bleeding! After so much calculation, I realized she wasn't an old woman her whole body was burnt.

Suddenly, her smile became crueler, she started taking small steps.

Slowly, slowly.

I panicked.

I started searching for some weapons in my car. But, I didn't find anything.

At that time, I had two choices, whether to wait for the police or run away quickly.

But, my car was locked. So, I thought that she couldn't do anything to me. But later, my gaze fell over her hands.

Oh my god!

She had an ax!


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