Billionaire Back Together

Billionaire Back Together

Author:C. Jacobs



"Mary, are you in there? Answer me please! Are you alright?" Jerry was asking, "Get lost Robinson, we are trying to have a private moment here you moron!" Tony barked impatiently in the direction of the door and at Jerry who was continually insisting on being a nuisance. "Let me go" she said, pushing against his broad chest. "You're going nowhere!" He declared, kissing her once more, and forcing his tongue deep into her mouth to deepen the kiss when she tried to open her mouth in protest He tore at her clothes, causing buttons to fly everywhere as he opened her shirt, creating some space for his hands to grab at her breasts. Meanwhile, his hands, which were now free of all encumbrances, were diving low for her panty area, pushing her panties to one side to make room for his wandering fingers. He found her already wet, which was a relief, because he was more than ready himself. ***************************************************** Mary Aniston and Tony Wilder used to be highschool sweethearts until Tony's mother died in a car accident that exposed her secret affair with Ben Anniston, Mary's dad. Tony is hurt by his mother's death and feels betrayed by her shameful affair, but is soon faced with an even worse betrayal by Mary's abandonment, when she flees their home town without a notice, therefore breaking his heart. Tony blames Mary's father for the death of his mother, and promises to one-day unleash vengeance on him and his daughter. Ten years later, Tony gets the perfect opportunity to get his revenge, when Mary is about to be wed to Jeremiah Robinson, a successful billionaire who has also been a long time friend of Mary. Tony crashes the wedding ceremony and steals the bride... Mary Anniston had betrayed him once, now, she was his to love or to punish... And he is most determined to make her pay for all her sins!
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Mary Jane Anniston was the bride of any man's fantasy, and her wedding was to become the envy of every female. Young or old, married or single. This was  as much of a fairy tale wedding as any.

At least, that was how the public would see it.

"The wedding of the year" That would definitely be the tag that the media would run with by the time all this was over. Jerry had made sure to invite top reporters from famous press release offices and great photographers, to Capture every memorable moment of the union.

And he would ensure that they would spare no details when publishing the estimated cost of  the obnoxiously extravagant spectacle of the beautifully designed cathedral, not to talk of the small fortune Jerry had spent in budgeting for Mary's wedding gown, her accessories, as well as the souvenirs and the special gift packs intended for their esteemed guests.

"Are those real diamonds?" Alicia, the timid assistant to Caroline Bates, the professional makeup artist who had been contracted to take care of Mary's superficial outlook, had asked earlier, when her mistress, Caroline Bates, had opened up the small chest containing Mary's precious diamond stud earrings.

"I assume they are!"

Mary had nodded gently in affirmation with a reluctant smile at the girl.

"Really?" Alicia had exclaimed

"Oh my God, you're so lucky!" She gasped. Nearly hyperventilating with her excitement.

Mary could see that Alicia's hands were desperately twitching to hold the gems and have a closer look... But then, Caroline seemed to have given her a not so subtle side eye, as if to warn her to behave herself and not to disturb the client.

"Uh, I um... " Alicia had stuttered shyly, taking a step backwards instead of forwards as she had originally intended.

"I meant to say that they are really beautiful!" She concluded with an awkward compliment as she shifted to a corner to await further instructions from her mistress.

Personally, Mary didn't care for the diamonds and pearls, she had never really wanted them, but she could see and understood the undisguised admiration in Alicia's eyes as well as the carefully veiled envy in the side looks of the make up artist as she carefully re-arranged her working materials in her case.

Caroline had been very tight-lipped and professional while doing her job, but Mary had not missed the way Caroline's eyes had widened briefly when she had seen the earnings too, or the curious manner in which her breath had caught sharply when she sighted the captivating brilliance of Mary's 24 carats engagement ring and the mother of pearl beads that adorned her delicate neck.

They all admired her.

But, looking at her reflection in the mirror, Mary could hardly recognize or appreciate the reflection of the young woman staring back at. She looked like an overdressed peacock in her million dollars wedding gown that felt as stuffy and uncomfortable as hell.

And that was putting it lightly.

As flashy as she might appear to be on the outside, the truth was that she felt pretty empty and hollow on the inside.

Beneath all the finery and makeup, her jade green eyes still appeared to be vacant, her delicate rosebud lips were pressed together in a thin line and her slender oval face looked to be unusually pale, even with all the shiny makeup.

She simply lacked that genuine radiance of an excited bride. That natural glow that came with the anticipation of being wedded to the love of your life.

"Perhaps because you are not being wedded to the love of your life.." a tiny voice whispered in her head, but she closed her eyes and tried to shut it out.

This was not the time to think of such things. This marriage was about duty. Her youthful longings had nothing to do with it. She had buried the past a long time ago.

This was not the time to bring it up. Infact, She had promised herself to never bring it up.

Especially not on a day like this. It was foolishness to long for something in the past, when she had something better in the future.

She was about to be wed to Jeremiah Robinson. The most eligible bachelor in town.

Alot of girls would kill to be in her place.

They would all give up a limb just to be in her shoes right now.

The lucky and perfect bride.

If only they knew...


But it was better this way. Atleast for Jerry. It was what he wanted afterall. To parade her like a golden trophy and make everyone believe that they were a love match.

It would have definitely hurt his pride if anyone knew the real reason why she was marrying him.

"It's the only way mi amor!" Jerry had told her two months ago, when she had gone to him for assistance after discovering the huge debts her father's company, Benson's Pharmaceuticals, had incurred and the legal charges  against her father by his major creditors as well as one of his major customers, Model Clinic, a private clinic who wanted to sue for damages over his most recent supply load.

His bank was also threatening to seize his properties if he defaulted on his loan repayments which were already long overdue.

"Is there really no other way..?" Mary had asked desperately, unwilling to accept Jerry's proposal of a marriage as the only remedy for the situation.

"None my dearest, except..." He had said with a slight pause that had piqued Mary's curiosity.

"Except..?" She pressed eagerly

"Well, except your father would consider applying for bankruptcy" Jerry suggested with a twisted expression that suggested he didn't think that was the best option. Mary agreed.

"No!" She said, vehemently shaking her head to show her displeasure.

Her father being declared bankrupt would be the worst development ever.

It would wreck him. Destroy his hopes, not to talk of his self esteem and would literally make him a social pariah. Her father wouldn't be able to survive the disgrace or ostracization. She couldn't bear to let him go through that.

It would be no better than him going to prison.

"Mary," Jerry had called her name softly, taking her hands and looking deep into her eyes. He had sensed her hesitation and was almost certain she was going to agree to his proposal. All she needed was a little shove in the right direction. He just needed to assure her that she could trust him. To convince her that he had her best interests at heart.

"You know I really want to help you right..?" He said,

"There are just a few legal restraints..." He continued

"But if we were married... If you become my wife, that would legally make you and your father a part of my family... It would make things so much easier " he reasoned. And Mary understood. She knew she was being silly and selfish to even hesitate in accepting Jerry's offer.

Jerry was a nice man. Well, at least she had never known him to be cruel. At least not towards her. He had always been supportive. She had known him almost all her life. He was a good friend. And she loved him... As a brother. She had always suspected that he might have been secretly attracted to her, even when she had been dating his friend...

But wasn't it a good thing to marry your friend? Especially if the end result was to help your father.

That had been enough to help her get over her reservations and make the decision to marry Jerry.

She had wanted the marriage to be small though.

Something simple and quiet.

But Jerry had refused her plea for a simple and quiet wedding.

He has insisted on going all out. She didn't begrudge him that though. He was a proud man who was driven by an obsessive need to soothe his over inflated ego and had no problem with the obnoxious display of his affluence.

And though Mary wasn't really comfortable with such show of wealth, especially considering the fact that her father was in dire financial straits, but She was willing to bear with anything.

Even Jerry's overbearing nature... So long as it would save her Father.


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"The procession is about to start Ms Anniston..." Mary jerked up at the voice of Sue Webster, a tall leggy blonde who was the complete definition of beauty with brains. Sue was the wedding planner who had been contracted under a one month notice and had completely outdone herself in the preparation for the wedding ceremony. She was standing at the door entrance to the dressing room with a fit-in microphone across her cheeks, and a brown hardcover notepad with which she presumably brainstormed, and was staring expectedly at Mary.

"Alright Sue, I'll be out in a minute, thank you!"  Mary replied with a kind smile.

"Sure thing!" Sue answered

"Oh, and you look quite lovely by the way!" She complimented with a thumbs up gesture.

"Uh.. thanks!" Mary said again, and finally, Sue Webster turned to exit the room, just as Doris Chapman entered. She was Mary's housekeeper and had been her nanny since she was a little girl. Doris was infact, more of a family than an employee.

She and Tony the butler, were the only staff that had stayed when her father could no longer afford to keep up payment for domestic staff service.

"Dorris..." Mary called out expectantly as she noticed the woman come in.

"Is he around now..?" Mary asked and was surprised to see Doris shake her head in the negative. It was already past 10am and the father of the bride was no where in sight. It was quite unusual for Ben Anniston. She had spoken to her father that morning before coming to the cathedral. He had sounded sober and free of the melancholia that had almost become second nature to him.

He was supposed to walk her down the aisle, but he seemed to be running late.

He had refused the car that had been sent to fetch him, insisting that he had something to take care of, but would take a taxi later and be sure to make it to the church in time.

"Have you tried calling..?" Mary asked tentatively

"Yes Miss." Madam Doris answered

"He has not been able to pick his calls, but Tony has now gone to find him. Don't worry Ma'am, I am sure he is alright. He probably lost track of time!" Madam Doris assured.

Mary nodded and stood up from her seat in front of the mirror just as a young man with a neat full afro hairdo, knocked and peeked in to the room to remind her that her groom and the congregation were waiting. He was wearing a purple colored customized polo shirt that identified him to be a member of the media team, but she was sure he must have been sent to check-in again by Sue.

"Time to go!" Mary announced with a nervous laughter.

"Will you be alright on your own...?" Madam Doris asked

"I can walk you down the aisle if you want " she offered.

"I'll be fine on my own Doris, just find my Dad " Mary replied, and Doris nodded in understanding.

Madam Doris had been like a second mother to Mary ever since she lost her mom, and she appreciated her kindness, but Mary decided it would be easier to Walk down the aisle by herself.

She opened the door and stepped out, walking down the corridor towards the entrance of the cathedral where her bridal trail awaited her to lead their march.


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