The First Female Alpha

The First Female Alpha

Author:Misty Eve



Reina, the Luna of the Celestine Tribe and the sole survivor of the war caused by Zarvos, the Dark King. Along with the promise to her dead alpha, she is entrusted to the moon crystal that may lead her to find the chosen God of Light given by the Moon Goddess to their ancestors. the God of all creatures, the chosen one who must defeat Zarvos. but what if it is too late for her to find that alpha because all of the betas and omegas are all in possession of Zarvos? what will she do? will she lose hope in finding him? or will she step forward and face him as the first female alpha?
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Chapter 1

10 years ago...

“Run! go without me!” he whispered while he is breathing hard and lying in the middle of the darkest forest while his spinal cord is severely damaged and it's cracked horribly.

“No! I won't leave you—” she opposed but he cut her off midsentence.

“Please! Reina, go without me, I am not strong enough to protect you but at least let me do this to make you survive...” he said then he starts to cough blood.

“No! I won't leave—”

“—Go! Run! and promise me that you will survive in the name of our clan!” he whispered then they both heard the noises coming from the other side of the forest.

They both knew that the distance of the noise is more than two hundred kilometers and the noise becomes louder and louder which means it is now approaching their direction.

“Now, please! go! run! and don't let them kill you. I don't care if they kill me or I will die now. but I won't let them kill you!” he said then he put something on her hands that held his.

“Keep it with you, they are looking for this crystal that will lead us to the most powerful Lycan that can beat Zarvos. and to reunite all the Lycans and create peace with the werewolves, vampires, and humans. Please... take it and run! Look for him and make sure that our clan will rise once again!” Those were his last words before his breathing stops and he passed away.

As a Lycan herself and as a mate of her beloved alpha, she must not run away from him, because she once made a promise that they will be with each other until the end, but this is his last will for her so she starts to run so fast then she changes from human form into a Lycan in which she can run faster than the enemies who are now running towards her.

they can easily track her because of her smell as the Luna of their pack but then she sensed that those who trailing her are now stopped in their tracks.

They already found his dead body!' her thoughts said and then she doesn't let any chances go so she runs faster than her usual and until she reaches her secret place that before was a peaceful land for their clan but now this land is full of dead Lycans.

As her tears run through her eyes she wiped it and doesn't let this second chance to live go wasted and now she felt that they are now tracking her.

and that was the chance!

So she jumped to the waterfalls, holding the crystal tightly in her hand, and let the clear water flows on her Lycan form until she completely passed out due to exhaustion.

and she wakes up with another nightmare. once again!

“The same dream again?” a young kid asked her while preparing food for her.

“Yes, the same nightmare.” she nonchalantly said then she sits up straight and drink water using a wooden cup.

she felt the lump on her throat washed out same with her nightmares for this day, and she drinks another cup of water and asked the kid.

“Where are your parents by the way?” she asked him because as a seventeen-year-old kid, it is not usual for him to do house chores without his parents' guidance.

“They are both killed by a Lycan,” he said which makes her shocked.

“I know that you are also a Lycan but I know that you are different from them,” he said while looking at her eyes.

She saw his eyes that is shining brightly despite the sun's rays is not reaching in this hideout.

She smiled at him and sigh...

“And that's what I also thought about you,” she replied then the kid put the ten huge rabbits and three huge turkeys that she caught last time.

“You remove the fur and the feathers?” she asks while looking at the skinless animals in front of her.

“Eating with furs and feathers looks gross to me.” the kid said then sit in front of her.

“But you must get used to that because you are a werewolf,” she said which makes the kid emotionless.

“And that's what makes us not acceptable in this world. so Lycans can either kill our alpha and demolished our pack or they will let us be their slaves. both are tormenting, but at least if we die, we already at peace.” he said then he starts eating.

She starts eating with him and she asks him once again.

“When will you transform into a werewolf?” she asks in the middle of eating,

“My mother said that our transformation into a werewolf will depend on the strength of our body, but most of the werewolves transform their bodies when they turned 18 or 21,” he explained.

“What are your plans since you are living with me since ten years ago?” the kid asked her.

He was the one who found her almost lifeless body floating in the river in her human form. and she accepted her despite knowing that she is a Lycan, and ever since she lived with him for ten years, she didn't ask him for his parents but now that she knew about it she told him her plans.

“I will find the chosen alpha, the one who will beat Lord Zarvos, and the one who will make peace with all creatures...” she said.

“I don't think you can do that.” the kid said which makes her pout.

“Why? is there something wrong with me?” she asks and the kid shakes his head.

“But it is obvious that you are not planning for everything before you blurted it out...” he said which makes her smile.

“That is why you are here with me. because despite your age, you are the most intelligent werewolf that has known—”

“—because I'm the only werewolf you've known.” he cuts her sentence.

“But it's given that you are the most intelligent werewolf that I have ever known,” she said then she pointed out lots of books inside their hideout.

“And after ten years, none of the werewolves or even the Lycans sensed us or even our smells.” she pointed out.

“But you know that I can't be with you, I will be a burden once I've transformed myself,” he said with a worried look on his face.

she completely understands his reasoning in this situation because once he will be forced to transform into a werewolf during a full moon and his consciousness will also be gone. he will become a complete werewolf and he will return to his human form on the sunrise.

So she sighed and finished her food before she stands up.

“Next week, I will start my journey to find the strongest alpha that will make peace in all creatures and to defeat Zarvos,” she said then she brought the dishes with her and wash the dishes.


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