Urban Supreme Champion

Urban Supreme Champion



His code name is Mad Dragon, the king of what is known as the world's most terrifying human hell, and also the man most adored by women in the city!
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"Mad Dragon, long time no see, I trust you've been well?"

"Nangong Ao, how are you not dead yet?"

Hell Island, originally known as Beast Island.

Due to the existence of a man, it is now dubbed as the most terrifying human hell in the world.

Hence, it was renamed Hell Island.

Deep within the prison cells of Hell Island,

A man named Nie Chen, revered as Mad Dragon, the God of War, is imprisoned here.

At this moment, Nie Chen, shirtlessly revealing his steely muscles.

Over a hundred iron chains, as thick as an adult's thigh, were binding him tight.

His black hair was slightly disheveled, and his full beard seemed as though it had not been tended to in many years.

His whole body was covered with injuries of various sizes that were quite shocking to the eye.

There were gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds, knife wounds, and scars from being torn by wild beasts, in short, he was a sight for sore eyes.

"Mad Dragon, your temper hasn't changed at all!"

Nangong Ao, projected in 3D holography, sighed, shook his head with a smiled plastered on his face.

Nie Chen, however, slightly twisted his body, causing the shackles on his body to make a rustling sound.

"Nangong Ao, if you have something to say, spit it out quickly and stop beating around the bush."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Ao furrowed his brow and said solemnly, "Codename Dragon Fury, our country needs you. Time to come out of retirement."

"The Lingxiao Pavilion has just issued a top secret S-level mission codenamed Fly. You're the only one who can complete it, Dragon Fury."

Having said his piece, Nangong Ao looked at Nie Chen with anticipation, waiting for his response.

On hearing this, a scornful sneer flashed across Nie Chen's chiselled face.

"What were you doing before this came up? You only think of me when you have a thorny task?"

Nie Chen sneered dismissively, "Get lost, I'm not interested".

He abruptly refused, promptly closing his eyes, uninterested in further discussion.

Even so, Nangong Ao didn't show any signs of anger.

With a serious expression, he continued to coax Nie Chen, "I've found your sister already. As long as you complete this mission, I'll arrange for her to be brought to you."

Upon hearing this, Nie Chen's mind seemed to explode.

Deep within his eyes, a brilliant light shot out as though lit up by this revelation.

The entire cell's atmosphere instantly became chaotic and turbulent.

Clatter clatter bang!

In an instant, the infrared devices densely installed on the walls along the corridor seemed to explode like miniature bombs.

The massive iron chains entwining Nie Chen's entire body, also crumbled like dried tofu, breaking off bit by bit.

He flung his arms wide, his entire body abruptly standing upright.

The broken pieces of the iron chains and the iron shackles on his feet were all expulsed by an invisible momentum.

Nie Chen clenched his fists tightly, staring coldly at the holographic projection of Nangong Ao in front of him.

"Nangong Ao, you knew long ago that my sister was not dead, why reveal it only now?"

Ten years ago, the Nie family was wiped out overnight, not one of the eighty-three members survived.

Nie Chen’s father, Nie Zhiyuan, was taken outside the capital of the Dayan Empire and beheaded publicly in the streets.

Even his head was hung on the city walls for three days and nights for public spectacle.

At that time, Nie Chen, who was only thirteen years old, was also being hunted down by the entire city.

Having no other choice, he had to enlist in Lingxiao Pavilion, becoming a secret agent under Nangong Ao.

For survival, he had to hide his identity, executing a variety of secret tasks under the code name Dragon Guard.

As for his sister, Nie Yao, her whereabouts had always remained a mystery.

Throughout these years, Nie Chen had used countless connections during his missions, but there were never any clues.

But now this old guy, Nangong Ao, has always known his sister’s whereabouts and yet used this information as a bargaining chip for negotiation.

Nangong Ao nodded indifferently, "As long as you leave seclusion and accept this mission, I will use your sister as a condition, to allow you siblings to reunite."

"Furthermore, the international super-wanted criminal title you bear, Lingxiao Pavilion will take off your shoulders. How does that sound?"

Upon hearing this, Nie Chen's pupils constricted, the picture of his sister's naive and lovely smile appeared in his mind.

Finally gritting his teeth, he accepted: "Fine, I take the job. I'm counting on you, Nangong Ao, to keep your word."

His voice was calm, but each word seemed to carry a thick murderous intent.

Even though they were separated by the holographic projection, Nangong Ao could clearly sense it.

Nie Chen had been imprisoned in this hellish cage for five full years.

Today, this wild dragon was finally about to be released!

Nangong Ao, hearing Nie Chen's voice, revealed a satisfied expression on his face.

"The old man has already dispatched the Warwolf Special Operations Brigade to come to this jail and rescue you."

However, Nie Chen replied with a face full of disdain and coldly scoffed: "Hmph! If Nie Chen wants out, who could stop me?"

Having said that, Nie Chen walked to the wall near the door.

With one punch, he smashed a big hole in the wall.

This wall was at least fifty centimeters thick, with a ten-centimeter steel interlayer.

In front of Nie Chen, it was like paper-mache.

Meanwhile, outside the iron cell, the heavily-guarded prison guards suddenly noticed that all the surveillance in the bottom corridor had gone dead.

One by one, they were scared out of their wits.

The alarm blared deafeningly.

"Bad news, the demon in the iron cage wants to break out! Quick, immediately notify the whole island's defense system, we can't let it escape!"

Subsequently, a thousand guards, guns loaded, swarmed into the entrance of the iron cage like a hive of bees.

Now, Nie Chen was holding a thick iron chain in one hand, dragging a two to three-hundred-pound iron ball.

Bare-chested, he walked slowly out of the hallway.

"Quick, tranquilizer guns, sedatives, fire them all!" A red-haired sheriff with blue eyes ordered in panic.

Shortly, ten plus guards holding tranquilizer guns hurriedly aimed at Nie Chen and pulled the trigger.

In the face of the densely flying tranquilizer bullets, Nie Chen was indifferent.

The bullets bounced off his body and fell to the ground.

Although a few needles pierced Nie Chen's skin, they had no effect on him.

Suddenly, Nie Chen forcefully threw the giant iron ball tied to the chain in his hand in the opposite direction.

The next second, the guards, unable to dodge in time, were knocked over by the giant iron ball. There were injuries and deaths, with blood everywhere.

Before these men could pick themselves up from the ground, Nie Chen, just like a steel giant, swung the iron ball again towards the heavy iron gate behind them.


After two successive strikes, the heavy titanium-alloyed iron door was smashed down in an instant.

The prison guards left alive were terrified, fleeing in utter disarray.

Nie Chen, with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, slowly appeared from the prison cell door, looking like a demon from the darkest depths.

The prison guards outside who had not yet rushed in, on spotting Nie Chen, widened their pupils in fear and their faces changed drastically.

They retreat step by step, their faces filled with terror.

In their view, even if Nie Chen was formidable, wouldn't he instantly collapse under the influence of a tranquilizer gun?

But to their surprise, not only did Nie Chen not collapse, he actually walked out of the dungeon.

"What the hell kind of monster is this?"

What was even more terrifying was that such a thick iron door was forced open by him.

An older prison guard, his face deathly pale.

While swiftly retreating towards the crowd, he shouted in panic, “Quick, shoot to kill immediately.”

Soon, the other fully armed prison guards immediately pulled the trigger at Nie Chen.

The next second, countless bullets densely flew towards Nie Chen.

However, he was unfazed under such heavy gunfire attack.

A slight smirk curled up the corners of Nie Chen's mouth, revealing a disdainful sneer.

In the blink of an eye, his form blurred into a ghost-like phantom, deftly dodging a torrent of bullets.

Immediately after, he hoisted a collapsed, heavy iron gate with his bare hands as a makeshift shield.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

In an instant, hundreds of bullets hit the steel shield, creating a series of metallic sounds.

Quick on his heels, Nie Chen delivered a powerful kick to the steel shield.

With a great force, he sent the piece of steel flying.

"Run!" The prison guards were instantaneously petrified, turning on their heels to run.

Unfortunately, several guards were crushed into bloody pulp under the flying slab of steel.

The foreign prison guards were mentally paralyzed.

They couldn't fathom the terrifying strength possessed by Nie Chen.

The steel slab easily weighed thousands of pounds, yet he managed to send it flying with a single kick.

As they were reeling in shock, Nie Chen also picked up another door with one hand and charged at the guards at lightning speed.

He surged through them like a tiger amongst sheep, leaving a trail of broken bodies and desperate screams in his wake.

"Quickly initiate the nuclear attack, we must not let this demon escape." The jail warden picked up the walkie-talkie, shouting with his body trembling.

However, the moment he finished his command, his head was brutally crushed by a punch from Nie Chen.

At the same time, all the nuclear turrets around Hell Island, along with more than a dozen infrared aiming systems, rapidly locked onto Nie Chen.

"Target locked, ready to fire," the voice from the nuclear turret system announcement just echoed.

Suddenly, Nie Chen transformed into a blur, casually hurling the iron gate in his hand towards the turret.

There was an enormous explosion.

The turret, having no chance to fire, was immediately destroyed on the spot.

By this time, Nie Chen had already arrived at the control console for the nuclear turret and the satellite intercontinental aiming system.

Two prison guards, upon seeing the figure appearing before them, couldn't react in time and were instantly killed by Nie Chen.

He then took control of all the launch systems of the nuclear turrets with practiced motion.

Following that, Nie Chen launched a fierce bombardment against the prison guards of Hell Island and the Hell Prison.

One after another, the thunderous roars were deafening, echoing throughout the sky.


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